Opleidingen details Panta Rhei
International Conference: Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (ID nummer: 510352)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)1422-3-2024 t/m 21-3-2025
2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)022-3-2024 t/m 21-3-2025
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

This time we choose to dive into the fascinating cranial field. Osteopathy has a long history of working on the human cranium. Of course WG Sutherland but also Charlotte Weaver were important for the development of osteopathy in the cranial field. Much changed in medicine and science since the times of our osteopathic ancestors. In the age of technology and informatics many tools and devices are developed to scientifically study the osteopathic models.

In this conference we combine science with the osteopathic practice. In the morning scientist and osteopaths are giving theoretical lectures about many aspects of the human cranium. The scientist will present to some recent insights, the osteopath will link these insights with the osteopathic practice. At the end of the morning program there will be a forum discussion and there will be time for questions.

In the afternoon there will be practical demonstration workshops. The osteopath will give a theoretical introduction about a topic and then demonstrate how this can be used in the osteopathic practice. Next to this there are two theoretical presentations where a scientist gives a deepening presentation about a certain topic. This is interesting for osteopaths that want to learn more about the science behind their work.

Sprekers tijdens deze dagen zijn
Prof M. Moser, Raymond Perrin DO, Rafael Zegarra-Parodi DO MSc Fr, Eugenijus Kaniusas PhD, Dr Rolf Fronczek, PhD neuroloog Nl, Prof. Emiliano Bruner PhD, Kok Weng Lim DO MSc (Ost) FSCCO, Jane Stark DO, Iona Bramati DO, Gunn Gvivik DO N, Sylvain Gabriele PhD Be, Thomas Verlinden PhD/ anatomist, Prof Messlinger PhD D en Prof. Dr. Winfried Neuhuber
Congres programma .docx27-3-2023 10:3718 KB
Congres programma .docx27-3-2023 10:5318 KB

Osteopathie gerelateerde doelgroep

Aan BO met betrekking tot osteopathische of osteopathie-gerelateerde handelingen worden enkel toegelaten:

-       Osteopaten, die beroepsmatig osteopathische handelingen uitvoeren en lid zijn van een erkende beroepsvereniging (BVBO of BUO);

-       uitsluitend osteopaten, niet-lid van een beroepsvereniging met erkenningsnummer beginnend bijvoorbeeld 095 of 090;

-       laatstejaarsstudenten osteopathie;

-       buitenlandse deelnemers die lid zijn van een beroepsvereniging van osteopaten of zij die beschikken over een door de NARIC gelijkwaardig bevonden diploma in de osteopathie.  

-       Docenten, (niet-osteopaat) kunnen toegelaten worden mits toestemming van BCO;

Voor andere BO-activiteiten kan in principe iedereen toegelaten worden.

This time we choose to dive into the fascinating cranial field. Osteopathy has a long history of working on the human cranium. Of course WG Sutherland but also Charlotte Weaver were important for the development of osteopathy in the cranial field. Much changed in medicine and science since the times of our osteopathic ancestors. In the age of technology and informatics many tools and devices are developed to scientifically study the osteopathic models.

In this conference we combine science with the osteopathic practice. In the morning scientist and osteopaths are giving theoretical lectures about many aspects of the human cranium. The scientist will present to some recent insights, the osteopath will link these insights with the osteopathic practice. At the end of the morning program there will be a forum discussion and there will be time for questions.

In the afternoon there will be practical demonstration workshops. The osteopath will give a theoretical introduction about a topic and then demonstrate how this can be used in the osteopathic practice. Next to this there are two theoretical presentations where a scientist gives a deepening presentation about a certain topic. This is interesting for osteopaths that want to learn more about the science behind their work.
22-3-2024 t/m 23-3-2024
Tijd09:00 - 17:30
Locatie Sint-Michielsgestel (NL) (Toon kaart)
Opmerkingen2 dagen

Panta Rhei Opleidingen VOF is een organisatie bureau voor opleidingen en cursussen voor de osteopathie voor Nederland en België.

Ericssonstraat 2
5121 ML
+31 (0) 621700937