Opleidingen details Panta Rhei
The fascial component in osteopathic practice with Paolo Tozzi DO (ID nummer: 483206)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)321-12-2022 t/m 30-11-2023
2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)01-12-2022 t/m 30-11-2023
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The fascial element in osteopathic practice
As a structural element of the body connective system, fascia can be considered as a ubiquitous tissue permeating the whole organism. It seems to respond to cellular and macroscopic lines of tension by reorganizing itself accordingly. From this perspective, the repercussion of a fascial restriction will be body-wide, and may potentially create stress on any structure enveloped by fascia itself. Yet osteopathic fascial treatment aims to release such tensions, to restore function and to balance the inherent body mechanisms, so to be often proposed as an adjunctive treatment for various conditions. This course will offer an overview of the most common fascial techniques used within the osteopathic armamentarium, together with their different forms of application, ranging from indirect, direct to combined methods. To guide the clinician through the understanding and the application of such fascial tools, various evidence-based mechanisms as well as different hypothesis based on osteopathic principles will be proposed and discussed.

• To present the connective tissue as the major bio-mechanical and bio-electrical mediator of the structure and function interrelationship;
• To propose various fascial mechanisms by which somatic dysfunction may be induced and maintained;
• To illustrate the most common fascial techniques in osteopathic practice; 
• To propose different fascia-mediated mechanisms behind the OMT efficacy and effectiveness.

Paolo Tozzi DO
Title and outline of the course.docx1-9-2022 15:2714 KB
Short Biography.docx1-9-2022 15:2813 KB

Osteopathie gerelateerde doelgroep

Aan BO met betrekking tot osteopathische of osteopathie-gerelateerde handelingen worden enkel toegelaten:

-       Osteopaten, die beroepsmatig osteopathische handelingen uitvoeren en lid zijn van een erkende beroepsvereniging (BVBO of BUO);

-       uitsluitend osteopaten, niet-lid van een beroepsvereniging met erkenningsnummer beginnend bijvoorbeeld 095 of 090;

-       laatstejaarsstudenten osteopathie;

-       buitenlandse deelnemers die lid zijn van een beroepsvereniging van osteopaten of zij die beschikken over een door de NARIC gelijkwaardig bevonden diploma in de osteopathie.  

-       Docenten, (niet-osteopaat) kunnen toegelaten worden mits toestemming van BCO;

Voor andere BO-activiteiten kan in principe iedereen toegelaten worden.

Title and outline of the course:

The fascial element in osteopathic practice
As a structural element of the body connective system, fascia can be considered as a ubiquitous tissue permeating the whole organism. It seems to respond to cellular and macroscopic lines of tension by reorganizing itself accordingly. From this perspective, the repercussion of a fascial restriction will be body-wide, and may potentially create stress on any structure enveloped by fascia itself. Yet osteopathic fascial treatment aims to release such tensions, to restore function and to balance the inherent body mechanisms, so to be often proposed as an adjunctive treatment for various conditions. This course will offer an overview of the most common fascial techniques used within the osteopathic armamentarium, together with their different forms of application, ranging from indirect, direct to combined methods. To guide the clinician through the understanding and the application of such fascial tools, various evidence-based mechanisms as well as different hypothesis based on osteopathic principles will be proposed and discussed.

• To present the connective tissue as the major bio-mechanical and bio-electrical mediator of the structure and function interrelationship;
• To propose various fascial mechanisms by which somatic dysfunction may be induced and maintained;
• To illustrate the most common fascial techniques in osteopathic practice;
• To propose different fascia-mediated mechanisms behind the OMT efficacy and effectiveness.
1-12-2022 t/m 11-2-2023
Locatie Rijen (NL) (Toon kaart)
Opmerkingen2 keer 3 dagen
 AccreditatieAantal urenDatumTijd
dag 1
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

701-12-202209:00 - 17:30
dag 2
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

702-12-202209:00 - 17:30
dag 3
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

703-12-202209:00 - 17:30
dag 1 level 2
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

709-02-202309:00 - 17:30
dag 2 level 2
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

710-02-202309:00 - 17:30
dag 3 level 2
1. Osteopathie vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

2. Osteopathie niet-vakinhoudelijk (accreditatie)

711-02-202309:00 - 17:30

Panta Rhei Opleidingen VOF is een organisatie bureau voor opleidingen en cursussen voor de osteopathie voor Nederland en België.

Ericssonstraat 2
5121 ML
+31 (0) 621700937