Opleidingen details IIA Nederland
BYOD & securing mobile technologies (ID nummer: 186918)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Vakinhoudelijk713-10-2014 t/m 31-12-2014
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As the world becomes more interconnected, integrated and intelligent, mobile devices are playing an ever-increasing role in changing the way people live, work and communicate. 
Personal computing devices are becoming more and more portable — laptops, tablets, smart phones, USB thumb drives, etc., securing the sensitive information stored on those devices is more important than ever.  The small size and portability of these devices mean they can be easily lost or stolen, placing both personal as well as corporate data at risk.
This two-day program will address the challenges in securing data and processing, limiting communication to designated parties, protecting sensitive data from the loss of a mobile device and methodologies for designing and implementing a viable, controlled and sustainable enterprise-wide BYOD policy.

After completing this course, participants will:

  1. Identify the unique risks associated with mobile technologies and the necessity of a viable mobile risk management initiative.
  2. Recognize the essential elements in a comprehensive, enterprise-wide, BBYOD policy, the importance of protecting end user privacy and securing enterprise data.
  3. Understand the critical importance for security and controls over employee and enterprise devices accessing sensitive systems and protected data.
  4. Identify the importance of implementing and managing a comprehensive mobile device management strategy.
  5. Have a working knowledge of the current risks, threats and exposures facing 21st century organizations doing business in virtual global marketplaces.
  6. Be better prepared to assist their organization in securing its operations, minimizing its security exposure, and mitigating the possibility of data loss via mobile devices.
  7. Identify existing exposures and weaknesses within their organization's mobile communication operations, which would make the organization a potential target for cyber terrorists, cyber criminals, data thieves.
  8. Have a better appreciation of the steps and elements required to develop an audit ICQ and program for assessing BYOD and mobile technology internal controls.
- Policy and Guidelines
- Mobile Security Policy
- Mobile Risk Management
- Who’s Responsible for Mobile Risk Management?
- Top 25 Mobile Risks
- Implementing Mobile Risk Management
- What Types Of Risks Does MRM Help To Address?
- Unified Threat Management Strategy
- Securing Mobile Technologies
- Keys to a Successful BYOD Implementation
- Best Practices
IT Managers, auditors, and system administrators, managers of telecommunications, info security professionals, HR managers, financial officers (CEO, CFO, COO), senior management (CIO, CXO, CSO) and IT professionals who through their involvement in managing or directing the IT infrastructure have responsibility for mobile technology management.
This particular program would also be of value to financial and operational audit professionals as well as non-IT audit professionals tasked with the responsibility for assessing their organization's BYOD and mobile technology strategies.
Albert J.Marcella Jr. Ph.D. CISA CISM
Al Marcella is an internationally recognized public speaker, researcher, workshop and seminar leader with 36 years of experience in IT audit, security and assessing internal controls. Dr. Marcella has authored numerous articles and 28 books on various IT, audit and security related subjects.
NiveauErvaren auditorErvaren auditor
CompetentiesVoert audit- en adviesopdrachten op een systematische en gedisciplineerde wijze uitRisicoanalyse en auditplanning
CompetentiesKennis van governance , risk en control binnen de context van de organisatieRisicomanagement
CompetentiesKennis van de organisatieomgeving, industriepraktijken en specifieke organisatiekenmerkenInformatietechnologie
Tijd9:00 - 17:00
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Instituut voor Internal Auditors Nederland

Burg. Stramanweg 102a
1101 AA