Opleidingen details GC Europe nv - Benelux Sales Department
Masterclass: The Tooth wear Course (ID nummer: 521187)

Beoordeling per persoon

Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen punten voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing67-11-2024 t/m 6-11-2025
Vakinhoudelijke scholing6,57-11-2024 t/m 6-11-2025
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Tooth wear has an increasing prevalence and is a challenging condition for the clinician to discuss with the patient and offer predictable solutions. We created this comprehensive course based on the real-life clinical dilemmas and the skills required to solve them. The Tooth wear Course was developed as an answer to the questions and challenges that we face when managing this group of patients. The two-day programme is designed to take you chronologically through the patient’s journey, from initial assessment to fully guided, interceptive treatment and right through to maintenance and recalls.

Dr. Kostas Karagiannopoulos

09.00 till 10.30
Revise the injection moulding process and explore new indications
Diagnostic records and dental photography
Patient discussion and awareness
Smile design: where do the teeth need to be?
How to communicate smile design with the laboratory

10.30 till 10.45
Coffee break

10.45 till 12.00
Practice smile design exercises on powerpoint, keynote and iPads

12.00 till 13.00

13.00 till 14.30
Afternoon lecture
Occlusal considerations in managing the worn dentition
When, how and why open OVD in centric relation
Everything you need to know about the Dahl concept

14.30 till 14.45
Coffee break

14.45 till 17.00
Afternoon PRACTICAL:
Deprogram each other’s mandible and take CR interocclusal records

Day 2

09.00 till 10.30
Injection moulding for the worn dentition
Dealing with problems
Maintenance, consent and longevity

10.30 till 10.45
Coffee break

10.45 till 12.00
Inject a severe wear case of 6 anterior teeth

12.00 till 13.00

13.00 till 15.30
Afternoon practical
Layering options for injection moulding

15.30 till 15.45
Coffee break

15.45 till 16.30
Finishing Afternoon practical Layering options for injection moulding
Q & A
Moulding Injection Technique, restoratieve tandheelkunde
Restauratieve tandheelkunde
Esthetische tandheelkunde
7-11-2024 t/m 8-11-2024
Tijd09:00 - 17:00
LocatieLeuven (BE) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenMasterclass: The Tooth wear Course

 GC Europe nv - Benelux Sales Department

GC Europe - Benelux Sales Department verzorgt in samenwerking met GC Campus te Leuven cursussen op het gebied van composiet, vezelversterkte restauraties, preventie, porselein en kunsthars voor K&B.

Interleuvenlaan 13
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