Opleidingen details SmartEducation - MovingSmart BV
SMARTEDUCATION: Masterclass "Running Rehab - Bridging the Rehab to Performance Gap" - Lizzie Marlow & Benoy Mathew (ID nummer: 448106)

Beoordeling per persoon

Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Pro-Q-Kine - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch2429-4-2022 t/m 31-12-2022
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.


"Do you want to optimise the return to running with minimal set-backs by establishing a progressive step-wise programme in your injured runner?"

"Do you want the knowledge and skills to implement runner-specific strength & conditioning programme by introducing plyometrics, dynamic mobility and running drills?"

This highly practical and advanced Masterclass will give you the skills and knowledge to integrate advanced training methods (plyometric, dynamic mobility and running drills) in the rehabilitation of runners and prescribe conditioning programmes with a deep understanding of how they effect pathology and performance. Plyometrics is a critical intervention for any patient who wishes to return to impact activities such as running and has shown to improve performance and reduce injury risk. These runner-specific strength and conditioning programmes will enable your clients to become faster, stronger and more efficient runners.

Many recreational runners fail on return to running, following rehabilitation, since they have been cleared to progress based on time-lines rather than clear functional achievements in terms of strength, functional capacity and pain levels. This two-day course provides a unique opportunity to integrate an evidence based approach to injury prevention and performance enhancement in the management of running injuries. There will be a particular focus on functional screening and movement analysis to guide S&C exercise prescription and progression.


  • Understanding the multiple factors and clinical reasoning process involved in return to running in an injured runner.
  • Explore important strength and conditioning training principles to consider during assessment and rehabilitation of running injuries and integrate use of evidence-based injury prevention tools as part of lower limb rehabilitation.
  • Recognise the importance of achieving and assessing load tolerance and improving plyometric ability, in preparation to return to running
  • Optimise the return to running process, based on individual risk factors and type of injury
  • Practical application of strength-endurance training, plyometrics, dynamic core stability, hip stabilisation, mobility drills and progression in runners.



The course has been designed for physiotherapists, osteopaths, sports therapists, running coaches, personal trainers and other health care professionals who are involved in the management of running injuries.



Syllabus, pre-reading articles, lunch en koffiepauzes.


Accreditatie Pro-Q-Kine Accréditation
Lizzie Marlow is a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist with extensive experience in both the NHS and private sector. Lizzie has a particular interest in lower limb and running injuries, including complex foot and ankle conditions, knee injuries, patellofemoral pain, lower limb tendinopathy and hip and groin conditions.
Lizzie Marlow has completed advanced clinical practice modules at King’s College University and The University of Hertfordshire. These courses have helped her to develop advanced skills in the assessment and management of patients with complex MSK conditions.
Lizzie Marlow enjoys her role as a lecturer and course tutor on a variety of different lower limb and running courses, as well as teaching at evening lectures and international symposiums.

Benoy Mathew
Benoy Mathew, MSc, MCSP, MAACP Ben qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1998 and currently works as an Extended Scope Practitioner in the NHS and privately with running clubs. Clinically, he specialises in the management of difficult musculoskeletal and sports injuries with a particular focus on overuse young hip and knee injuries. Benoy Mathew has a particular passion for identifying and correcting dysfunctional movement patterns that lead to overuse injuries and impair performance in the active population. (Twitter @function2fitnes)
29-4-2022 t/m 30-4-2022
Tijd09:00 - 17:00
LocatieLeuven (BE) (Toon kaart)

 SmartEducation - MovingSmart BV

Moving Smart BV is een voortrekker in postacademische vorming voor kinesitherapeuten en andere zorgverstrekkers. Met Stijn De Mot en Robbie Billen aan het roer, herdefinieert onze onderneming zorgverlening door kennis, groei en ondernemerschap.
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