Opleidingen details Codarts Master of Arts Therapies - Master Dance Therapy
Codarts Research Day 17 September 2021 (ID nummer: 443833)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Beroepsspecifieke bij- en nascholing vooraf geaccrediteerd517-9-2021 t/m 16-9-2022
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Master of Arts Therapies (MAT), Open Research Day, Friday 17 September 2021:
Time structures in Dance and Music Therapy Research.

This day will focus on time structures in Dance and Music therapy. What are time-related elements in Dance and Music? What is their relevance for the clinical practice? And which research findings support the clinical practice and contribute to our professional knowledge?

Invited guests will deliver keynotes on time and time structures in dance therapy and music therapy research. Interactive workshops will offer the opportunity to explore research procedures focusing on time structures in dance and music therapy and how to develop suitable research procedures and structures. 
Selected Codarts MAT students will present their thesis research projects.

Codarts’ Master of Arts Therapies considers the dynamic exchange with our network partners of vital importance for the professional future of our students, which is why we would like to open this day for internship supervisors of our students and participants from the broader professional field of dance and music therapy. Of course, also our alumni are welcome to join us

Faculty will include (with reservation):

Katerina Kandylaki (University Maastricht, NL);Ilona van der Meent (University Medical Centre, Utrecht); Katrien Foubert (Leuven University, B);Chris Müller (Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, NL);Interdisciplinary panel.

Vaktherapeuten, Professionals/ onderzoekers GGZ, Onderzoekers vaktherapie.
Programme-Open-Research-Day-2021.docx.pdf20-9-2021 12:02556 KB
Psychomotorische kindertherapie (PMKT)
Psychomotorische therapie (PMT)
Beeldende therapie
Tijd10:00 - 16:30
Locatie Rotterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Kruisplein 26
3012 CC