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Enda King PhD Combi cursus: ACL Rehabilitation & Return to Play Decision Making en Athletic Hip & Groin Pain (ID nummer: 440355)
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Enda King PhD Combi course

ACL Rehabilitation & Return to Play Decision Making

A 3D biomechanical approach to rehabilitation & decision making

The course will discuss the challenges relating to the rehabilitation of athletes after ACL reconstruction and the use of biomechanics to improve the rehabilitation process and provide accurate data to assist in RTP decision making.

The course will cover:

  • What are the challenges in rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction
  • Pathomechanics of ACL injury
  • Graft Healing & RTP decision making after ACL reconstruction
  • Components of rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction
  • Strength and Power development
  • Linear Running and Change of directional mechanics after ACL reconstruction
  • How to navigate the route from RTP to return to performance

The learning objectives:

  •  Understand the key milestones for graft healing after ACL reconstruction
  • Understand all the components that make a successful return after ACL reconstruction and identify the factors that influence them
  • Understand the mechanism of injury of ACL and how biomechanics and rehabilitation can influence re-injury risk
  • Identify all the factors that need to be assessed and addressed throughout ACL rehabilitation and how they interact with and influence each other.
  • Understand the influence of exercise selection and coaching on outcomes during ACL rehabilitation
  • Identify deficits in linear running and change of direction mechanics after ACL reconstruction that will negatively affect outcomes and be able to select and coach drills to modify those deficits
  • Understand all the factors that influence a return to performance after ACL reconstruction be able to guide your athlete along that journey

Athletic Hip & Groin Pain

Does diagnosis matter in a biomechanically focused rehabilitation approach?

The course will discuss the challenges relating to differential diagnosis of the athletic hip and groin and identifying the biomechanical factors that contribute to much of the pain and dysfunction in the area.

The course will cover:

  • Differential Diagnosis of Hip and Groin Pathology
  • Pathomechanics of Hip and Groin Pain
  • Rehabilitation strategies
  • Linear Running Mechanics and Groin Pain
  • Multidirectional Mechanics and Groin Pain
  • RTP decision making and injury prevention


The learning objectives:

  • Accurate Differential Diagnosis and ability to clinically reason multiple symptom sources.
  • understand the interaction of hip morphology with groin pain and differentiate symptomatic pathology from normal findings.
  • understand the factors that drive Athletic groin pain and how to construct a rehabilitation programme focused on the drivers not the anatomical diagnosis.
  • develop exercise prescription and coaching skills to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation programmes.
  • develop skills in the examination of high level sports specific activities such as sprinting and change of direction and understand their performance and influence on athletic groin pain.



Accreditatiebureau fysiotherapie
KwaliteitsRegister Fysiotherapie
Vakinhoudelijke Scholing (cursus of opleiding)
Enda King PhD Combi course.docx8-8-2021 20:3916 KB
Musculo Skeletaal onderste extremiteiten
10-2-2022 t/m 13-2-2022
Tijd09:00 - 17:30

11-11-2021 t/m 14-11-2021
Tijd09:00 - 17:30

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