Opleidingen details Mediscon
ICCNMI 2021 (ID nummer: 439110)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing2022-9-2021 t/m 22-12-2021
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie in principe ingegeven door de opleider. U kunt echter zelf ook presentie invoeren.

This fall the 9th International Course and Conference on Neuromuscular Imaging will take place online from September 22-24, 2021. Brought to you by the International Society of Peripheral Neurophysiologic Imaging and the Dutch Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the meeting will focus on the clinical applications of ultrasound and MRI of muscles and nerves.

We have a great lineup of renowned colleagues in the field of neuromuscular imaging who will speak and teach at this course. The meeting is open to anyone, with topics that bridge the different imaging specialty areas of neurology, physiatry, clinical neurophysiology, radiology, pediatric neurology, and rheumatology.

In this rapidly expanding field, the course and conference aim to bring you up to date with all the recent developments and to provide a solid base for those seeking to learn. 

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie (NVN)KNMG-GAIA
We have a great lineup of renowned colleagues in the field of neuromuscular imaging who will speak and teach at this course. The meeting is open to anyone, with topics that bridge the different imaging specialty areas of neurology, physiatry, clinical neurophysiology, radiology, pediatric neurology, and rheumatology.

In this rapidly expanding field, the course and conference aim to bring you up to date with all the recent developments and to provide a solid base for those seeking to learn. See the program.
Zie www.iccnmi.nl
Program definitief.pdf31-7-2021 10:28367 KB
 Ik verklaar dat de cursus voldoet aan de CGR-normen (Code Geneesmiddelen Reclame), de Code Medische hulpmiddelen (GMH), de Richtlijn 2006/114/EG inzake misleidende reclame en vergelijkende reclame, het sponsorbeleid van de betreffende beroepsvereniging(-en) en dat de financiering van de cursus geen (schijn van) belangen verstrengeling kent
22-9-2021 t/m 24-9-2021
OpmerkingenVirtueel congres
Course 5,522-09-202109:00 - 16:45
Conference - Day 1823-09-202109:00 - 18:30
Conference - Day 26,524-09-202109:00 - 16:30

Mediscon is een congresbureau dat gespecialiseerd is in de organisatie van medische congressen.

John Franklinstraat 19-H
1056 SW
John Franklinstraat 19-h
1056 SW