Opleidingen details Centrum voor Psychotherapie en Psychotrauma
EMDR for survivors of sexual violence: Latest state of affairs and application of effective techniques (ID nummer: 435610)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Vakinhoudelijke scholing (smal)227-1-2022 t/m 26-1-2024
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Understanding the complexity of sexual abuse: “It isn’t about the spider or the fly. It is about the web”. In the first part of the webinar the latest state of affairs is presented on forensic, medical and psychological aspects of sexual trauma, supported by findings from scientific research.

Aim (leerdoel) part 1 :The participants will learn to understand the specific dynamics of sexual abuse such as shame, guilt, secrecy, loyalty, anxiety, denial, victim blaming, grooming and ambivalence. Also, participants will learn about the impact of sexual abuse and how to provide psychological support to underage and adult victims of sexual violence, in the acute phase and later in live.

Part 2 takes place one week later and deals with the treatment of the consequences of serious sexual abuse using EMDR therapy in early childhood.

Aim (leerdoel) part 2: Participants of the webinar learn about treatment strategies that can be applied, even in the case of dissociation or severe comorbidity. The webinar is supported by a variety of video clips showing the use of effective EMDR (2.0) techniques for the application with victims of sexual violence.

Meant for whom? (voor wie?)

For therapists who have completed the EMDR Basic Training.




EMDR Consultant
EMDR Trainer
Workshop hele/halve dag
prof. dr. Ad de Jongh



Tijd20:00 - 22:00

Tijd18:00 - 22:00

Tijd18:00 - 22:00

Ons centrum verzorgt de door de Vereniging EMDR Nederland geaccrediteerde EMDR opleidingen in Nederland. Inschrijvingen verlopen via de website: www.emdropleidingen.nl

Soestdijkseweg-Noord 333
3723 HB
030 2294675