Opleidingen details EFTiN B.V.
Masterclass Empathy & Empatic Attunement (ID nummer: 433076)
Scholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor gehele scholing
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
ELP herregistratie19,59-6-2021 t/m 8-6-2024
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

After a review of the research on specific elements of the psychotherapy Norcross & Wampold (2011) noted that empathy is demonstrably effective in promoting change in psychotherapy. Empathy is recognized as a trans theoretical construct that contributes to positive outcomes across different therapeutic approaches (Watson, Steckley & McMullen, 2014). This 3-day workshop will provide participants with a solid grounding in the skills required to be maximally empathic with their clients, to work more effectively in emotion focused psychotherapy, and develop productive therapeutic alliances.  

Participants will be trained in the skills of moment-by-moment attunement to clients’s experience in the session to facilitate clients cognitive-affective processing in emotion-focused psychotherapy. Skills training will include a combination of brief lectures, video demonstrations, case discussions and supervised practice in experiential exercises. The workshop will begin with a discussion on the role of empathy in therapeutic practice. First an overview of emphatic resonance drawing from recent developments in neuropsychological research will be presented and ways of facilitating clinicians’ responsiveness discussed. Second emphatic expression including the behavioral components of empathy, along with different response modes and markers for how to intervene differentially will be identified and demonstrated. Third the role of empathic attunement in the processing of overwhelming emotion, self-criticism, and emotional injuries from the past will be presented. Videotaped examples of ways of working empathically will be presented and discussed. 

This training will provide therapists from a variety of clinical backgrounds with an opportunity to enhance their skills of empathic attunement in emotion-focused psychotherapy. 

academici en HBO-ers
Geen toetsing, wel evaluatie
(GZ-)psychologen, psychotherapeuten, psychiaters werkzaam in de GGZ met minimaal EFT Level-I voltooid. Voor deelnemers die bij EFTiN deelnemen aan EFT Level-II is deze Masterclass reeds een verplicht onderdeel van de opleiding.
programma MC-EA2020 -accr-2020.pdf7-5-2021 17:11209 KB
Draaiboek met programma MC-Empathy juni 2021.pdf7-5-2021 17:41229 KB
Literatuurlijst Empathy 2021.pdf18-6-2021 14:0855 KB
22-11-2023 t/m 24-11-2023
Tijd9:30 - 17:00
LocatieVught (NL) (Toon kaart)

25-4-2023 t/m 27-4-2023
Tijd9:30 - 17:00
LocatieVught (NL) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenMC Empathy april 2023

22-6-2022 t/m 24-6-2022
Tijd9:30 - 17:30
LocatieVught (NL) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenMC Empathy & Empathic Attunement Juni 2022

8-11-2021 t/m 10-11-2021
Tijd9:30 - 17:30
LocatieVught (NL) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenMC Empathy & Empathic Attunement November 2021

9-6-2021 t/m 11-6-2021
Tijd9:30 - 17:30
LocatieVught (NL) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenMC Empathy & Empathic Attunement Juni 2021

EFTiN is hét opleidingsinstituut in Nederland op het gebied van Emotion Focused Therapy. Het doel van EFTiN is om behandelaren en therapeuten in Nederland te inspireren en laten ervaren wat de kracht is van EFT.

Jacob Reviuslaan 5
5644 TP
06 2097 8313