Opleidingen details Springer Media (BSL & Springer Healthcare)
Treatment with DOACs – optimal balance between prevention of thrombosis and bleeding (ID nummer: 430908)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing Maag-, Darm en Lever125-5-2021 t/m 31-12-2021
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Treatment with DOACs – optimal balance between prevention of thrombosis and bleeding

The recent results of apixaban in the CARAVAGGIO study in patients with cancer associated thrombosis, including patients with gastro-intestinal cancer with very high risk of gastro-intestinal bleeding, have triggered us to organize this webcast. Additionally we will discuss results of studies in different patient sets (non-cancer VTE and AF).

In this webcast, pertinent published data available on all DOACs versus comparators are presented by international key opinion leaders in the field of venous thromboembolism treatment and stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. This webcast will give the audience insight into results of clinical trials as well as real world studies, emphasizing the clinical relevance of differences between DOACs, and how this may support in their choice of treatment.


  • Treatment of VTE in patients with cancer
  • Treatment and long-term secondary prevention of VTE
  • Prevention of stroke in patients with AF


  • Prof. dr. Giancarlo Agnelli, internist, University of Perugia, Italy
  • Dr. Alexander Cohen, vascular physician and epidemiologist, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital London, United Kingdom
  • Prof. dr. Gregory Lip, cardiologist, University of Liverpool, UK and Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Prof. dr. Menno Huisman, internist in cardiovascular medicine, LUMC Leiden, The Netherlands (moderator)
(Meerdaags) Congres
Programma live webcast_Treatment with DOACs.pdf13-4-2021 10:37205 KB
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Gastrointestinale Chirurgie
Tijd20:30 - 22:00
Locatie Hilversum (NL) (Toon kaart)

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