Opleidingen details Gilead Sciences Netherlands BV
Antiviral therapy: management of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 Module 2 & 3 (ID nummer: 429866)
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Virtual webinar for a wide audience (targeted at HCPs who are involved in the patient journey of COVID-19). These HCPs will gain knowledge on the guidelines for the management of COVID-19 from all over the world and learning from the sharing of global experience. The speakers of these topics are independent clinicians from the USA, Denmark and Australia.

The webinar is organised by Gilead Sciences and executed by a 3rd party vendor (Elements). Host country is Switzerland. This is part 1 of a 3-series webinar.

  • Module Management of hospitalized COVID-19 patients (April 13):
    • To evaluate the available data for remdesivir and understand its place and value in the treatment of patients with COVID-19
    • To explore differences in study design, interpretation of the data and the possible drivers of variability in study results

  • Module Managing high-risk patients with COVID-19 (May 4):
    • To explore the latest evidence regarding patients at risk of severe COVID-19
    • To discuss expert case studies and identify best practice for managing patients with COVID-19 who are at risk of progressing to severe disease and are appropriate for treatment with remdesivir.
(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
ConversationsCOVID_Webinar2_agenda.pdf31-3-2021 13:53237 KB
ConversationsCOVID_Webinar3_agenda.pdf31-3-2021 13:55238 KB
HCP can attend the registration and does not have to pay any registraton fees.
Tijd09:00 - 09:40

Tijd09:00 - 09:40
OpmerkingenWebinar takes place on 2 dates

Claude Debussylaan 22
1082 MD
Claude Debussylaan 22
1082 MD