Opleidingen details NVKF internationale congressen
CI2021 Cochlear implants in children and adults (ID nummer: 429468)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Werkterrein - Audiologie (AUD)1328-4-2021 t/m 27-4-2022
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The CI2021 conference will foster dissemination of multi-disciplinary scientific information applicable to audiologists, physicians, speech pathologists, scientists, engineers, educators, students, advocates and others involved in cochlear implantation. The conference will provide attendees with opportunities to explore current and emerging topics for CI patients across the lifespan.

The program features presentations on a range of topics including telehealth, pediatric and adult cochlear implantation, innovations in audiology, (re)habilitation, surgical techniques and technologies, single-sided deafness, music appreciation, and addressing equity in cochlear implantation.

Audiologie (AUD)
CI2021 Scientific Program 3.9.21-2.pdf27-3-2021 20:58236 KB
 Werkterrein - Audiologie (AUD)Aantal urenDatumTijd
Dag 10028-04-202112:30 - 17:45
Dag 25529-04-202109:00 - 18:00
Dag 35530-04-202110:00 - 17:40
Dag 43301-05-202110:00 - 13:30

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica. Vanuit dit account worden de (internationale) congressen aangevraagd, die vanuit de NVKF centraal worden geselecteerd. Andere congressen e.d. moeten door de betreffende organisatie worden aangevraagd.

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