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Online scholing Tim Beames - The Pain Picture (ID nummer: 426023)

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Pro-Q-Kine - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch514-4-2021 t/m 31-12-2021
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Explain Pain is a range of educational interventions aimed at changing someone’s understanding of what pain actually is, what function it serves, and what biological processes are thought to underpin it (Moseley & Butler 2015). Typically, the focus has centered on explaining what we know about the biology of pain. However, is this truly representative of an Explain Pain approach?

We will consider the current strengths and limitations of an approach that focusses on explaining the biology of pain, including the need to consider where this knowledge comes from, how applicable it is to the individual, and how and when it is delivered.

We will consider how influences from the person in pain, co-production, population health science and the changing sociocultural narratives are shifting our understanding of pain and its management and how this will shape an evolving Explain Pain approach.  

Accreditatie Pro-Q-Kine
Tim Beames MSc BSc MCSP, UK
Tim is the lead physiotherapist at Pain and Performance, a NOI UK clinic. He has a special
interest in the treatment of people suffering complex and persistent pain states.
In 2010 he completed an MSc in Pain: Science & Society from King’s College London in
addition to a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from Brunel University in 1999.
He delivers post-graduate education on pain for Pain and Performance across the UK,
Europe and America designing courses to suit an organisation’s needs, from massage
therapists through to national sport support teams.
As the principle instructor for NOI UK Tim teaches Explain Pain, Mobilisation of the Nervous
System and Graded Motor Imagery courses throughout the UK, Europe, America and
What will Explain Pain look like in 5 years.docx25-2-2021 8:4912 KB
Tijd19:30 - 22:00


Je vak is je hobby: daarom een leven lang leren

In de fysiotherapie bestaat er niet zoiets als één waarheid. Het is een uitdaging om te blijven leren. Om ons vak goed uit te voeren zoeken wij verder dan de gebaande paden. We bestuderen de nieuwste ontdekkingen wereldwijd en bevragen de huidige aanpak.

Denkfysio laat jou en jouw collega’s nadenken over ons vak door geaccrediteerde cursussen fysiotherapie aan te bieden. Gerenommeerde, internationale sprekers komen naar Nijmegen om met jou de discussie aan te gaan over hoe we bewegen. Wij vinden dat we ons klaar moeten maken voor de toekomst en samen mogen bouwen aan de zorg van morgen! Denk jij ook mee?!

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