Opleidingen details Centrum voor Psychotherapie en Psychotrauma
Workshop ‘Case conceptualization and target selection in EMDR therapy: the practicum (ID nummer: 425698)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing (breed)131-3-2021 t/m 30-3-2023
Vakinhoudelijke scholing (smal)331-3-2021 t/m 30-3-2023
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

There are many different ways or strategies or “routes” for proper case conceptualization, i.e., selecting the most suitable target memories for EMDR treatment. These different types of case conceptualizations have been tested in our clinical work and through scientific research. There is the (1) “Floatback route”, for difficult emotions or bodily symptoms, the method EMDR therapists are probably most familiar with, the (2)“Intrusion route” for trauma-related conditions, such as PTSD, the (3) “Timeline route” for most mental health symptoms, such as sleeping problems, or feeling depressed, (4) the "Belief route” for cases where irrational and negative core cognitions, about the person themselves, are central, (5) the “Emotion route” for when strong emotions such as guilt and anger are in the foreground, and the (6) “Flashforward route”, for anticipatory fear and anxiety disorders.

This practicum is a follow-up to our webinar in which we explained and demonstrated the six different routes or strategies for proper case conceptualization. You will be instructed to carry out the various case conceptualizations and by practicing with the material in groups, you will acquire the competences and master the material so that you become more effective in applying EMDR therapy. 

Participants will be able to:

- Making case conceptualisations for EMDR therapy.

- Make proper case conceptualizations and target selections for difficult cases.

- Start treatment based upon six different routes or case conceptualisations. 



EMDR Consultant
EMDR Trainer
Workshop hele/halve dag
prof. dr. Ad de Jongh
Tijd18:00 - 22:00

Ons centrum verzorgt de door de Vereniging EMDR Nederland geaccrediteerde EMDR opleidingen in Nederland. Inschrijvingen verlopen via de website: www.emdropleidingen.nl

Soestdijkseweg-Noord 333
3723 HB
030 2294675