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SMARTEDUCATION: Online opleiding - PowerTalk : "Strength training and the female pelvic floor: what we all need to know" - Lori Forner (AUS) (ID nummer: 416005)

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Pro-Q-Kine - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch423-2-2021 t/m 31-12-2021
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We understand strength training is important for building bone density, decreasing musculoskeletal injury, improving athletic performance, psychological well-being and more, however the health of the female pelvic floor can be vulnerable at times (for instance after childbirth), potentially leading to pelvic floor dysfunction.

Because of the potential for dysfunction, advice on strength training in females is often conflicted with many health professionals advising against it completely or blindly restricting the amount of load, despite the lack of research in this area and popularity of female participation in strength training. 

This PowerTalk will focus briefly on the functional anatomy of the female pelvic floor with regards to intra-abdominal pressure, research to date on pelvic floor and strength training, potential risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction, and some practical tips to integrate pelvic floor support during strength training.

This talk will also include tips for professionals to help with screening females who might need referral to physiotherapists working in pelvic floor rehabilitation, and how they can help.


  • Appreciate pelvic floor support and function in relation to strength training
  • Understand common pelvic floor dysfunction and risk factors for strength training
  • How to start integrating pelvic floor support into exercise
  • Awareness of screening for potential pelvic floor dysfunction and referring on



Kinesitherapeuten, pelvische kinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten, (sport)artsen,...


Syllabus, uitgesteld kijken mogelijk tot 48u na het verzenden van de opname

Accreditatie Pro-Q-Kine Accréditation
Lori Forner (AUS) is a private practice physiotherapist running her own business in the field of pelvic health, and currently working on her PhD at The University of Queensland looking into the effects of weightlifting on pelvic organ support. Her background includes exercise physiology and musculoskeletal physiotherapy, with clinical interests in complex female pelvic pain, female pelvic floor dysfunction in exercise, and the use of 3D/4D transperineal ultrasound. She is an invited conference speaker, a casual lecturer at The University of Queensland, and produces and hosts The Pelvic Health Podcast - which interviews top academics and experts in the field of pelvic health. She is also slightly biased towards strength training as she quite enjoys being strong herself so she can still pick up her growing kids.
Tijd19:00 - 21:00

 SmartEducation - MovingSmart BV

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