Opleidingen details Jakajima B.V.
3D Medical Printing Series (ID nummer: 414469)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing categorie A1626-1-2021 t/m 25-1-2022
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The 3D Medical Printing Series encompasses four online conferences during two weeks:

26 January 2021, ONLINE 3D Bioprinting Conference

28 january 2021, ONLINE 3D Dental Printing Conference

2 February 2021, ONLINE 3D Medtech Printing Conference

4 February 2021, ONLINE 3D Pharma Printing Conference

Doctors, nurses, engineers, dentists, researchers, designers, academics, hospital managers, medical professionals, regulators and medical product suppliers are invited to lecture on their state-of-the-art developments and future projects.

The audience, a mix of academics, medical professionals, business, technology, regulation and creatives, will get an excellent overview and insight in the medical tech developments from different perspectives.

Each ONLINE Conference will take 4 hrs, presentations, lectures etc.


€ 95,-
Medical professionals | Radiologists | Cardiologists | Oncologists | Orthopedists | Neurologists | Surgeons | Nurses | Dentists | Bioengineers | Dental Labs | Biomedical Engineers | Medical Scientists | Clinical Data Scientists | Medical VR Designer | Pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and Biotech professionals | Regulators | Compliance Officers | Pharmacists | Laboratory Personnel | Consultants | Contractors/Subcontractors | 3D Printing suppliers | anyone responsible for medicine/drug: Development | Manufacturing | Preclinical | Quality Assurance | Quality Control | Operations | Surgeons | Medical Engineers | Research Institutes | Doctors
26-1-2021 t/m 4-2-2021
OpmerkingenDit zijn online conferences
 Scholing categorie AAantal urenDatumTijd
3D BioPrinting conference ons tissue engineering and related topics4426-01-202112:00 - 16:00
3D Dental Printing Conference including dental, orthodontic, and maxillofacial applications4428-01-202112:00 - 16:00
3D MEdtech Printing Conference, including research / applications on Medical Implants, Surgical guides, Surgical instruments, Point of Care, Medical Devices and Hearing Aids 4402-02-202112:00 - 16:00
3D Pharma Printing on Pharmaceutical research and applications4404-02-202112:00 - 16:00

Jakajima organiseert sedert 2011 het Internationale Health Tech Event gericht op high tech innovaties voor de medische professie, variërend van robotica (cure/care) tot ehealth. Sprekers komen uit binnen- en buitenland, zowel van universiteiten, bedrijfsleven als medische instellingen. Website is www.healthtechevent.com.

Daarnaast organiseren wij sinds 2013 het 3D Medical Printing Conference (topics onder andere 3D Bioprinting / 3D Medtech printing / 3D Medicine Printing en 3D Dental Printing voor de medische professie. Sprekers komen uit binnen- en buitenland, zowel van universiteiten, bedrijfsleven als medische instellingen. www.3dmedicalconference.com
Daalakkersweg 2-78
5641 JA