Opleidingen details Belgian Ageing Muscle Society
BAMS 5th Clinical Update Symposium: « Intensive care unit-induced muscle wasting and its recovery » (ID nummer: 407588)

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Pro-Q-Kine - Regionale symposia, nationale symposia428-10-2020 t/m 31-12-2020
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During this symposium, the epidemiology and the physiopathology of muscle wasting induced by intensive care unit stay will be discussed. Part of the symposium will also be dedicated to its management, including the impact of nutrition and rehabilitation.

Prof. Olivier Bruyère — Uliège
Dr. Anne-Francoise Rousseau — Uliège
Prof. Michael Casaer — KULeuven
Prof. Rik Gosselink — KULeuven
Prof. Elisabeth De Waele — UZ Brussel
Prof. Ivan Bautmans — UZ Brussel
Tijd17:00 - 19:00

 Belgian Ageing Muscle Society

BAMS is an organisation for scientists and health care professionals focused on the understanding of muscle ageing and the promotion of optimal muscle health in ageing persons. BAMS acts through the promotion and presentation of research, education and worldwide dissemination of new knowledge.

Santé publique, Épidémiologie et Économie de la Santé Université de Liège Professeur Olivier Bruyère Quartier Hôpital - Avenue Hippocrate, 13 – CHU B23
04 366 25 81