Opleidingen details Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute Europe
Level II Sensorimotor psychotherapy for Developmental Injury (ID nummer: 406639)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Beroepsspecifieke bij- en nascholing vooraf geaccrediteerd7529-10-2020 t/m 31-5-2022
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Level II sensorimotor psychotherapy for developmental injury

"Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Developmental Injury addresses the interaction between traumatic, attachment, and developmental issues and how to provide effective treatment given their inevitable intertwining. In this training, research from the attachment and neuroscience fields provides the theoretical foundation for Sensorimotor Psychotherapy? interventions and practices that address the effects of suboptimal and/or traumatic early attachment.

Experiences in early childhood leave a legacy of conscious and nonverbal learning reflected in relational habits, affect tolerance and expression, meaning making and cognitive schemas that limit development, patterns of body structure, and the ability to connect deeply to one’s own emotions. In the training, participants will learn to track and name developmental and attachment patterns, help clients make meaning from the bottom up, manage consciousness, assess resources for relationship and full participation in life, connect to early memories and unresolved grief and loss, and transform painful emotions held by young child states"  


Accreditatiebureau - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Accreditatiebureau NIP Kinder- en Jeugdpsycholoog (K&J) / NVO Orthopedagoog-Generalist (OG)Psychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Jeugdzorg pedagoogPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Jeugdzorg psycholoogPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Klinisch neuropsycholoog (BIG) - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
1 2 3
Senior Psychomotor/Movement Therapists that have completed a level I training in sensorimotor psychotherapy
Peer supervision and pair supervision: practice groups in between the modules
Dagprijs komt neer op 300 Euro
Level II Description 2020_short AV.pdf15-9-2020 20:42990 KB
Psychomotorische kindertherapie (PMKT)
Psychomotorische therapie (PMT)
4-2-2021 t/m 13-5-2022
Tijd9:00 - 17:00
LocatieUtrecht (NL) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenDe opleiding bestaat uit 7 driedaagse blokken:February 4-6, 2021 April 15-17, 2021 June 17-19, 2021 September 23-25, 2021 November 11-13, 2021 (January 20-22,) 2022 March 24-26, 2022, 11-13 May 2022

SP Trainings are designed for legally authorized mental health professionals to integrate and apply Sensorimotor Psychotherapy theory and techniques into clinical practice.

Theoretically grounded in neuroscience and attachment research, SP trainings provide professionals with the foundational skills and principles necessary to include the body in psychotherapy as both a source of information and target for intervention. Participants are taught a mindfulness-based approach to treating emotional and cognitive experience that facilitates access to deeper authentic experience.

Having an active clinical practice or position is helpful in integrating Sensorimotor Psychotherapy learning, however, SP Trainings are also appropriate for mental health professionals in transition who do not have an active practice. Graduate and post-graduate professionals working toward building an active practice are also appropriate for the program

Traditional psychotherapy addresses the cognitive and emotional elements of trauma but lacks techniques that work directly with the physiological elements, despite the fact that trauma profoundly affects the body and that so many symptoms of traumatized individuals are somatically driven, including affect intolerance, autonomic reactivity, vegetative depressive symptoms, impulsivity, and anxiety. All of these clinical issues are inaccessible or difficult to treat in a talking therapy context without a way to include the bodily symptoms in treatment.

There are 3 Levels that can subsequently be completed,
Level I: training in affect dysregulation, survival defenses and traumatic memory (80 contact hours)
Level II: emotional processing, meaning making and attachment repair (126 contact hours)
Level III: advanced skills/certification (144 contact hours)
Specialty trainng in complex trauma and dissociation (50 contact hours)

more info: www.sensorimotor.org 

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