Opleidingen details Siemens Healthineers Nederland B.V.
Dual Energy Symposium (ID nummer: 396696)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing radiologie812-11-2020 t/m 11-11-2021
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Spectral CT has been around for as long as Computed Tomography has existed. In 2005 Siemens Healthineers introduced Dual Energy with the first Dual Source CT scanner. Now, 15 years later, we notice that there are still many misconceptions about the use and application of Dual Energy. That is why we think it is high time for a symposium to resolve those misunderstandings and to show you the benefits of Dual Energy applications.

During a two-day program full of educational lectures and demonstrations about every aspect of Dual Energy you will learn from peers with extensive experience in Dual Energy how you can strategically set up Dual Energy within your department and how you can apply Dual Energy in different ways. Next to that, we will make a field trip to Amsterdam UMC (location VU) for a tour of the VU Imaging Center. And there will be enough time to exchange experiences with your professional brothers and Dual Energy experts.

Become a Dual Energy expert yourself and you will be able to make more accurate diagnoses with more certainty for a faster and better treatment of the patient.


ADAP (Accreditatie Deskundigheidsbevorderende Activiteiten Paramedici)Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
MBB’ersStichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
(Meerdaags) Congres
Including lunches, refreshments and dinner on Thursday. Accommodation is not included
Musculoskeletale radiologie
Algemene radiologie
Abdominale radiologie
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)
Opmerkingen7 en 8 oktober 2021

Siemens Healthineers Nederland B.V. 
Al jaren zet Siemens de trend in oplossingen voor vroegtijdige detectie, accurate diagnose, minimaal invasieve therapie, efficiënte workflow en optimaal deseasemanagement. Ons streven is zorgaanbieders zo goed mogelijk te ondersteunen bij hun primaire proces: de beste zorg verlenen aan patiënten. Om meer kwaliteit te bieden tegen lagere kosten en zodoende een kwalitatief hoogwaardige en toch betaalbare gezondheidszorg te kunnen waarborgen.

Postbus 16068
2500 BB
Prinses Beatrixlaan 800
2595 BN