Opleidingen details Panta Rhei Opleidingen VOF
SCOLIOSIS – A New Approach For Manual Diagnostics And Treatment Of Its Various Manifestations During Childhood And The Life Of The Adult. (ID nummer: 394856)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL7Vanaf 12-11-2020
Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia14Vanaf 12-11-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

In this course we will study a step by step manual diagnostics of scoliosis in teenagers and in adult people. The diagnostics is based on observations in practice over a period of more than 30 years of practice. The individual  diagnostic items are related to latest discoveries in scientific research about the role of a specific chromosom, that influences the development of scoliosis during childhood. And the practical treatment strategy is related to the early embryologic development of the anatomy of the organs. We will understand that there are various kinds of scoliotic patterns, can be found most drastically around the large longitudinal growth of the trunk during puberty. Nevertheless, this patterns can be discovered much earlier during childhood, actually they are rooted way back at the stage of embryological development during the third month of life of the embryo.

The basic hypothesis of this course is, that the spinal curvetures and the asymmetric shape of muscles of the back are only part of the scoliotic organism. Actually, we are convinced that the x-ray of the back shows only  a small part of that, what may be seen as the chracteristics of the so called „scoliotic spinal deformation“.

09.00-10.30 les
10.30-10.45 pauze
10.45-12.30 les
12.30-13.30 lunchpauze
13.30-15.15 les
15.15-15.30 pauze
15.30-17.30 les
24-6-2021 t/m 26-6-2021
Tijd09:00 - 17:30
LocatieRijen (NL) (Toon kaart)

Panta Rhei is een bureau dat zich bezig houdt met de organisatie van postgraduate cursussen voor de osteopathie. Panta Rhei biedt een gevarieerd nascholingsprogramma voor de osteopaat. Speciaal hiervoor worden gastdocenten uit binnen- en buitenland geïnviteerd om zo een breed programma aan te kunnen bieden.Panta Rhei bestaat sinds begin 2000. De cursussen zijn gericht op afgestudeerde osteopaten. Ieder jaar komen alle facetten van de osteopathie terug in ons cursuspakket.

Ericssonstraat 2
5121 ML
Ericssonstraat 2
5121 ML
+31 (0) 621700937