Opleidingen details NVKF internationale congressen
European Particle Therapy Network Workshop EPTN (ID nummer: 394234)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Werkterrein - Radiotherapie (RT)417-11-2020 t/m 16-11-2021
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The European Particle Therapy Network (EPTN) became a task force of ESTRO in 2017. It was established in 2015 in response to the anticipated increase in the number of particle therapy centres in Europe. In addition, the need to cooperate among centres and integrate particles (i.e. protons and carbons) in the framework of clinical research networks was identified as being of paramount importance. ESTRO, at the time of initiation of the network, was asked to collaborate with EPTN and agreed to facilitate the group.

Particle therapy (PT) is only one part of radiation oncology, and needs to be well aligned with other radiation techniques as well as with general developments in cancer research and patient care. PT offers both new opportunities for providing excellence in cancer care, and for high-quality research within the framework of European  networks.

Radiotherapie (RT)
Agenda-6th-European-Particle-Therapy-Network.pdf21-2-2020 20:31195 KB
Tijd10:45 - 15:00
LocatieBrussel (BE) (Toon kaart)

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica. Vanuit dit account worden de (internationale) congressen aangevraagd, die vanuit de NVKF centraal worden geselecteerd. Andere congressen e.d. moeten door de betreffende organisatie worden aangevraagd.

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