Opleidingen details CowSignals Training Company
CowSignals® Advisor Course (ID nummer: 387546)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing Herkauwers1419-2-2020 t/m 18-2-2021
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Do you want to have a bigger impact on animal welfare and sustainability in the dairy chain? Learn how to focus on prevention and help farmers to improve their dairy management. Look at cows AND people in a different way to motivate real change.

In this 2-day course, we focus on CowSignals® and PeopleSignals®:

CowSignals®: learn to recognize a cow’s signals, to identify problems that can lead to disease, and to solve them. We combine all factors that are important for cow welfare: feed, water, light, air, rest, and space. These come together in our welfare model: the CowSignals® Diamond

PeopleSignals®: learn to advise and motivate with effect: how do you open a client’s eyes and mind? How do you help farmers achieve real change?
Learn how to use our most important Advisor tools: the quick CowSignals® 1-2-3 Welfare Check and the more extensive CowSignals® Welfare Assessment.

CowSignals® Advisor License:

Included in the price is a 1 year CowSignals® Advisor License that allows you to use our concept, branding, and Advisor tools in your daily work.

We provide you with all kinds of support to help you be the best advisor you can be: you get access to the CowSignals® ebook, 3 online courses, and an extensive digital toolbox with Advisor tools and other useful information.

Meerdaagse cursus
Fysieke bijeenkomst
Programma Tijdlijn PE Advisor.pdf9-1-2020 11:09293 KB
Programma Tijdlijn PE Advisor 200902.pdf25-6-2020 9:45626 KB
4-11-2020 t/m 5-11-2020
Tijd08:30 - 17:00
LocatieBergharen (NL) (Toon kaart)

2-9-2020 t/m 3-9-2020
Tijd09:00 - 17:00
LocatieBergharen (NL) (Toon kaart)

CowSignals zet zich in voor het dierwelzijn en de gezondheid van melkkoeien wereldwijd. Daarnaast stellen we ons tot doel om het inkomen en het werkplezier van veehouders te verhogen. Dit doen we door veehouders, voedingsadviseurs en dierenartsen op te leiden. Op dit moment werken er meer dan 300 CowSignals trainers in meer dan 60 landen. 

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