Opleidingen details Nederlands Paramedisch instituut | NPi
Masterclass ’SMWJC 2019’: sportgerelateerde enkelletsels (ID nummer: 381308)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
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Op donderdag 28 en vrijdag 29 november 2019 vindt het 15e Sportmedisch wetenschappelijk jaarcongres (SMWJC) plaats. Dit congres is een samenwerkingsverband tussen de Vereniging Sportgeneeskunde Nederland (VSG) en de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sportfysiotherapie (NVFS). In nauwe samenwerking met de VSG en de NVFS organiseert het NPi de dag voor het congres een masterclass met 1 van de keynote-sprekers. Deze masterclass wordt dit jaar verzorgt door Prof. dr. Eamonn Delahunt, sportfysiotherapeut.

Ankle sprains are the most prevalent lower limb musculoskeletal injury incurred by athletes (across all levels of competition) who participate in field- and court-sports. However, all too often colloquial terms such as a “rolled” or “twisted” ankle are used to describe an acute ankle sprain injury. In reality, acute ankle sprains are rarely ever a “simple” injury. Ankle sprains have the highest re-injury rate of all lower limb musculoskeletal injuries. This is compounded by the high propensity for the development of long-term injury-associated impairments. Athletes who have sustained an acute ankle sprain injury often experience ankle joint instability, regular occurrences of “giving way” of their ankle joint, as well as re-injury during the months and years after their initial injury; these constitute the characteristic features of chronic ankle instability. Ankle sprain injury and chronic ankle instability can negatively affect an athlete’s ability to participate in sport at his/her desired level and can initiate the development of long-term sequelae such as early onset post-traumatic osteoarthritis. This is particularly concerning as ankle sprain injuries are most prevalent in adolescent and young adult athlete populations.

Considering the high prevalence of ankle sprains in field- and court-sports, efforts to prevent ankle sprain injuries and their associated impairments should be a priority amongst the sports physiotherapy community.

The primary topics that will be covered as part of this 1-day masterclass include:

Anatomy, epidemiologie and mechanisms of ankle joint sprain;

Evidenced-based prevention of ankle joint sprains/injuries;

Diagnosis, clinical assessment and evidence-based treatment of acute ankle joint sprains;

The International Ankle Consortium - Rehabilitation Oriented ASsessmenT (ROAST);

Chronic ankle instability (sensorimotor impairments and evidence-based treatment).

Eamonn Delahunt is a professor in the University College Dublin School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science. Professor Delahunt is co-chair of the International Ankle Consortium (an international researcher and clinician community whose purpose is to promote scholarship and dissemination of research-informed knowledge related to ankle sprains). He is a Chartered Physiotherapist with significant clinical and research expertise in ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability. He has published >120 peer-reviewed articles.


This 1-day course will provide a comprehensive evidence-informed overview of diagnosis, clinical assessment, rehabilitation and prevention of ankle sprain injuries. This 1-day course will be an essential update and guide for clinicians working with field- and court-sport athletes. As an update, this symposium will present the most up-to-date peer-reviewed strategies. As a guide, this 1-day course will outline how physiotherapists can effectively implement these strategies as part of their daily practice.

Accreditatiebureau fysiotherapie
KwaliteitsRegister Fysiotherapie
Vakinhoudelijke Scholing (cursus of opleiding)
B-Programma_1905671.pdf15-11-2019 11:05120 KB
Musculo Skeletaal onderste extremiteiten
Tijd9:15 - 17:00
LocatieErmelo (NL) (Toon kaart)

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