Opleidingen details OPEN Foundation
ICPR2020: Interdisciplinary Conference for Psychedelic Research (ID nummer: 378076)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing psychiatrie1225-9-2020 t/m 24-9-2021
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ICPR 2020
Haarlem – 24, 25 & 26 April 2020

The Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics Research 2020 (ICPR 2020) is the fourth iteration of our highly acclaimed international conference on research into psychedelics.

ICPR is an ambitious academic conference focused on high quality scientific research into all aspects of psychedelics and the psychedelic experience. It aims to facilitate a dialogue between the diverse academic disciplines that study psychedelics, ranging from psychiatry, psychopharmacology and neurobiology to cultural anthropology and religious studies, and everything in between and beyond.

ICPR will host keynote lectures, panel discussions, debates and practically oriented workshops for clinicians, (((therapists? Imo different then clinicians, and do we want to add students here?))) researchers and policy makers. From graduate students to full professors, from resident psychiatrists to renowned scholars, what connects attendees is a curious, critical, constructive and careful scrutiny of the scientific study of psychedelics.

**Diversity and inclusiveness**
ICPR also aims to be a large and inclusive conference that is representative of the large variety of ideas, perspectives, contexts, disciplines, localities and individuals involved in psychedelic research.

**Critical perspectives and reflexivity**
ICPR is a platform for researchers to present novel research findings and discuss innovative ideas. It also provides a podium for critical thinkers to discuss and reflect upon the impact of psychedelics: on individuals, on a societal level, on (mental) health, and on science itself. We especially encourage critical reflections and deep thinking on psychedelics as a field of inquiry and on broader implications for science and society.

Topics that will be covered in depth include, but are not limited to:

- the ‘mainstreaming’ and ‘medicalization’ of psychedelics;
- the implications of psychedelic research for psychiatry and mental health treatment;
- psychedelics as tools to study consciousness;
- translational challenges between cognitive neuroscience and psychiatry;
- the role of ritual, placebo, and setting;
- the validity and applicability of analytical tools and concepts to study psychedelics;
- transcultural validity of the psychedelic 'mystic states' and ethical dilemmas of integrating supernatural belief formation within western psychiatric practices;
- a critical examination of the current hype around psychedelics and the so-called ‘psychedelic renaissance’.

Accreditatiebureau - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Klinisch neuropsycholoog (BIG) - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Klinisch psycholoog (BIG) - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Vereniging voor Verslavingsgeneeskunde Nederland (VVGN)KNMG-GAIA
(Meerdaags) Congres
ICPR 2020 Program version for upload.pdf24-1-2020 19:25256 KB
Very Early Bird: €299
Early Bird: €349
Biologische psychiatrie
Psychiatrie en filosofie
Psychotherapie en Psychiatrie
25-9-2020 t/m 27-9-2020
Locatie Amsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing psychiatrieDatumTijd
Day 1425-09-202016:00 - 22:00
Day 2426-09-202016:00 - 22:00
Day 3427-09-202016:00 - 22:00

What is OPEN?

The OPEN Foundation is an independent not-for-profit NGO, based in the Netherlands. OPEN was founded in 2007 with the primary goal to stimulate academic research into therapeutic applications of psychedelics. OPEN functions as a central node in an ever increasing network of experts in the field of psychedelic research in the Netherlands and Europe.

What do we want?

In a rapidly expanding field, OPEN is dedicated to solidifying the professional quality of psychedelic psychotherapy and to ensure its potential is optimized in mental health care.

Our aims are

to ensure that global advances in psychedelic research contribute to better treatments for mental disorders.

to safeguard the sustainable, responsible and safe integration of psychedelic therapy in mainstream mental health care.

What do we do?    

We regularly organize dedicated expert meetings, trainings, symposiums, and lectures as well as the recurring Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research, all focused on high quality and responsible science.

OPEN is a public benefit organization and registered charity with the Dutch tax authorities.

Speelmanstraat 72
1063 ZJ