Opleidingen details Denkfysio
Erik Meira: Hip & Knee: Complex Understanding for Simple Solutions (ID nummer: 375807)

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Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Pro-Q-Kine - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch246-4-2020 t/m 31-12-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to
- Explore the current understanding of the mechanisms of injury in non-arthritic intra-articular hip pathologies and knee injuries
- Perform a simple screen for hip patients that would benefit from early surgical consult and for athletes that may be at higher risk for knee injury or second injury
- Understand special considerations regarding extra-articular hip pathology
- Describe the most effective programs for reducing the risk for lower extremity injuries
- Focus on primary goals of postoperative rehabilitation to maximize return to sport function
- Develop a targeted and streamlined exercise progression for maximal benefit
- Consider the complexity of human movement and how it applies to rehabilitation

Accreditatie Pro-Q-Kine
Erik Meira is a physical therapist with Black Diamond Physical Therapy in Portland, Oregon. He is a Board Certified Sports Clinical Specialist and an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with extensive experience in the management of sports injuries at many different levels. He also created and oversees the PT Podcast Network.
Erik is extremely active in the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy (AASPT), currently serving as the Representative at Large on the Executive Committee. In 2008 he helped initiate, organize, and then chair the Hip Special Interest Group. From 2012-2109 he was the Sports Section Program Chair for Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) for AASPT. He has authored several articles and textbook chapters and has lectured at conferences around the world sponsored through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, American Physical Therapy Association, and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association covering topics such as the hip, knee, shoulder, exercise prescription, returning athletes to sport, science application, and PT practice business models. In his free time, he enjoys mountaineering, skiing/snowboarding, backpacking, and travel.
6-4-2020 t/m 7-4-2020
Tijd09:00 - 17:00
LocatieHerentals (BE) (Toon kaart)


Je vak is je hobby: daarom een leven lang leren

In de fysiotherapie bestaat er niet zoiets als één waarheid. Het is een uitdaging om te blijven leren. Om ons vak goed uit te voeren zoeken wij verder dan de gebaande paden. We bestuderen de nieuwste ontdekkingen wereldwijd en bevragen de huidige aanpak.

Denkfysio laat jou en jouw collega’s nadenken over ons vak door geaccrediteerde cursussen fysiotherapie aan te bieden. Gerenommeerde, internationale sprekers komen naar Nijmegen om met jou de discussie aan te gaan over hoe we bewegen. Wij vinden dat we ons klaar moeten maken voor de toekomst en samen mogen bouwen aan de zorg van morgen! Denk jij ook mee?!

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