Opleidingen details UMC Utrecht, afdeling Radiotherapie
Workshop Deep Learning in Radiotherapy - Fall Edition (ID nummer: 375563)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Werkterrein - Algemene Klinische Fysica (AKF)1028-11-2019 t/m 27-11-2020
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1.5-daagse workshop om klinisch fysici, met name werkzaam in de radiotherapie, kennis te laten maken met deep learning. Theorie en verschillende applicaties komen aan bod. Op deze manier kan de fysicus de literatuur en bestaande applicaties beter beoordelen, en mogelijk zelf een project en /of onderzoek starten.


uitgebreide uitleg in het Engels


The 1.5-day workshop on deep learning in radiotherapy will be organized in the Department of radiotherapy of the University Medical Center Utrecht. This workshop is aimed at medical physicists in the field of radiotherapy and at all the interested in the fiels, e.g. computer scientists, physicist, dosimetrist, doctors, etc. 


On Thursday it will be given an introduction to the principle of deep learning, touching topic as optimization for iterative methods, uncertainty and hard/software requirement to train a network. 

On Friday applications of deep learning in radiotherapy will be the primary focus. Image-to-image translation, segmentation, treatment planning and delivery, image registration and reconstruction will be discussed highlighting the lastest contribution of deep learning available in the literature. Also, the challenge of clinical implementing deep learning will be treated from the perspective of a computer scientist and a medical physicist.

For further information, consult: http://www.dlinrt.org/



Radiologie en Nucleaire Geneeskunde (RNG)
Radiotherapie (RT)
28-11-2019 t/m 29-11-2019
LocatieUtrecht (NL) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenFor info see www.DLinRT.org
 Werkterrein - Algemene Klinische Fysica (AKF)Aantal urenDatumTijd
Deep Learning in Radiotherapy, Intro and principles of deep learning44,528-11-201911:45 - 17:00
Deep Learning in Radiotherapy, Application of Deep learning to Radiotherapy: synthetic-Ct generation, CBCt correction, image registration, treatment planning and delivery, image reconstruction67,529-11-20198:55 - 17:00

Afdeling Radiotherapie UMC

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