Opleidingen details Coincide
Zorgacceleratiereis China 2019 (ID nummer: 373840)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 1 en 2249-11-2019 t/m 8-11-2020
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Leerdoelen Zorgacceleratie studiereis China 2019

The study trip ‘Zorgacceleratiereis China 2019’ provides participants with knowledge and experience to accelerate innovation of the Dutch healthcare sector and specifically learn what it means to digitize healthcare.

What are the technological possibilities we can use to make healthcare more efficient, more accessible and of higher quality?

Although the medical care itself is not internationally recognized as of high quality, China is known to be very advanced in embracing technology as a solution in all aspects of life including healthcare.

And as the scale in which solutions are implemented is so much bigger, the effects are magnified as well. The scale and fast pace in which the Chinese are digitizing their healthcare provision are inspiring for the Netherlands.


China is facing similar challenges as the Netherlands, such as a greying population, an increase of chronic diseases and a shortage of medical professionals.

China is addressing these problems and has major plans to improve their healthcare system, called the ‘Healthy China 2030’ plan. Digital applications are an integral part of this overall healthcare strategy. The study program provides insights in China’s big transitions in healthcare, the renewed focus on Big Health and the way digital solutions are used to optimise healthcare.


China’s Healthcare system.

Learning more about:

o            The ‘healthy China 2030’ plan

o            Innovative climate within hospitals and other healthcare institutes (The adoption of innovation goes really fast in China. What can we learn from this?)

o            Healthcare within networks. Learning more about digital means to facilitate new collaborations.

o            Leadership. How to realise change (such as digitalisation) within medical institutions and organisations.

o            Innovative efforts to increase the efficiency, equality, accessibility and quality of healthcare

o            Professionalisation. What does digitalisation mean for medical professionals? What kind of competencies do medical specialists of the future need?


Using technology in the delivery of care (increasing accessibility, efficiency and lowering costs)

Learning more about:

o            Usage of telemedicine in the delivery of care at multiple health locations and at home.

o            Wearable devices for monitoring health and prevention at a distance. Can we save costs and

make healthcare more efficient and affordable. What kind of role does these devices play in prevention?

o            Artificial intelligence. New developments in diagnosing patients and analysing health data. How can doctors be assisted/ facilitated or even replaced by the AI opportunities.

o            Consumer ecommerce platforms. How are these linked to healthcare services and what are the benefits, costs and risks.

o            Applying technology to bring care within the patient’s homes.

o            Changing roles of medical doctors. Delivering care at a distance, using technology to interpret data and diagnose patients.


Big Health

o            Prevention. Learning about innovative prevention efforts.

o            How is China managing the increase of chronic diseases?

o            Surveillance medicine. Monitoring health (and behaviour) via apps.


Data management

Learning more about:

o            Standardisation, exchange and security of data

o            Patient records. Managing data on a large scale, security of data, facilitating exchange between healthcare professionals, patient ownership of data.

o            Big Data. How do they use big data. How do they analyse data on a large scale?


Patient centeredness

Learning more about:

o            What does digitalisation of healthcare mean for patients?

o            How does the doctor-patient relationship changes due to digitalisation? Do they decide together? To what extend is the patient involved in their own care process?

o            Patient reported outcomes, health outcomes that are reported by patients who experience it. What are the experiences with this in the provision of digital care?

o            Value based healthcare. How to tailor digital healthcare towards the needs of patients?


Participants represent different stakeholders that can jointly work to improve innovation; between cure and care, between professionals, hospitals, users, investors and developers. Together they will gain experience with the digitization of healthcare that is taking place on a large scale and at a rapid pace in China.


Internationaal congres
Het inschrijfgeld is inclusief alle reiskosten.
9-11-2019 t/m 16-11-2019
LocatieShanghai (CN) (Toon kaart)
Opmerkingenmeerdere locaties in China. Werkbezoeken in Hangzhou, Shangai en Beijing

Sinds 2003 organiseert Coincide studie- en kennisbijeenkomsten. Wij zijn marktleider in het organiseren van inhoudelijke bijeenkomsten voor besluitvormers in diverse sectoren en met name in de zorg en welzijnssector. Onze (meerdaagse) kennisprogramma’s vinden overal ter wereld plaats. Eerder gingen we naar België, Brazilië, Canada, China, Denemarken, Duitsland, Estland, Finland, Groot Brittannië, Ierland, India, Japan, Nederland, Noorwegen, Rusland, Spanje, Turkije, de Verenigde Staten, Zweden en Zwitserland.

Argonautenstraat 29
1076 KK
Argonautenstraat 29
1076 KK