Opleidingen details Two Hands Events
IBRA Course-Trauma and Reconstruction of the Upper Limb-Advanced Concepts in Wrist and Elbow Treatment, 3-4 october 2019 (ID nummer: 370432)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
nascholing Orthopedie133-10-2019 t/m 2-10-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

IBRA is proud to organize the IBRA Seminar and Workshop 2019 “Advanced Concepts in Wrist and Elbow Treatment“.

With this established course we continue the close exchange between participants and faculty by creating a clinically based learning environment where principles and techniques in patients with traumatic wrist and elbow conditions can be understood and applied.

By presenting interesting case-based lectures and encouraging interactive discussions, our internationally renowned faculty will address relevant topics in wrist and elbow surgery. With innovative style and expertise, our faculty will help participants to understand decision-making and management options regarding trauma and reconstructive surgery for traumatic wrist and elbow conditions.

The cadaver lab highlights this 2-day course, enhancing didactic learning with hands-on skills, emphasizing tips and pearls of new approaches and procedures by skilled experts in the field of wrist and elbow surgery.

We look forward to sharing this special format of lecture, panel discussions and cadaver lab sessions, while socializing with peers and colleagues in the beautiful setting of Amsterdam.

P. Hannemann D. Engelke W. Hintringer

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde (NVvH)
Program Amsterdam October 2019.pdf31-7-2019 8:201761 KB
Schouder en Elleboog
Hand en pols
Tijd08:00 - 14:00
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Tijd08:00 - 17:30
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)


Heinsiuslaan 8
3051 HD