Opleidingen details Stichting Wemos
Jubileumcongres Wemos "Global health: everybody’s concern, everybody’s business" (ID nummer: 368859)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 2 en 346-9-2019 t/m 5-9-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

With an enticing programme with various (inter)national speakers, we will highlight current trends in global health, especially focussing on the recent power shifts and the stronger influence of the private sector on health systems. Whose concern is global health, if it is truly everybody’s business? We will take the opportunity to hold a constructive dialogue with policy makers, health professionals, NGOs, critical thinkers and students in the field of Global Health, identifying problems and challenges, and seeking solutions – together.

The learning goals of our symposium are:

  • understand the policy context influencing the work of (public) health professionals
  • identify the power dynamics in three areas of work: finance for health; health workforce strengthening; access to medicines.
  • critically reflect on possible ways of engagement in these areas.
Inschrijving is gratis. Geinteresseerden kunnen een inschrijflink aanvragen via 40years@wemos.nl.
Tijd12:30 - 18:00
LocatieDen Haag (NL) (Toon kaart)

Wemos is an independent civil society organization seeking to improve public health worldwide. We advocate the right to health for all: access to health services and protection against threats to health. We analyse Dutch, European and global policies that affect health and propose relevant changes. We hold the Dutch government, the European Union (EU) and multilateral organisations accountable for their responsibility to respect, protect and fulfil the right to health.The right to health takes precedence over political and economic interests. We believe that the pursuit of health for all in this globalised era is a shared responsibility, that it should favour those left behind according to the equity principle and that it should take the health of future generations into consideration. In addition, we are aware of how policies in one area can affect, counteract with or undermine policies in another area. We strive for policy coherence, for example by addressing the effects of economic policies on health.
Ellermanstraat 15-O
Postbus 1693