Opleidingen details Stichting Amsterdam UMC Afdeling Amsterdam UMC Conferences & Events
"How to improve the evidence for work participation" Inaugural symposium of the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work (ID nummer: 365795)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing Bedrijfsgeneeskunde56-9-2019 t/m 5-9-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Cochrane Work (www. work.cochrane.org) is an independent producer and publisher of systematic reviews evaluating the effectiveness of various interventions aiming to improve occupational safety and health. The group belongs to the international research network known as Cochrane (www.cochrane.org). In May 2019, we officially registered the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work at the Coronel Institute of Occupational Health (AMC) with Dr Jan Hoving as its director & deputy coordinating editor, and its editorial base in Finland. The Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work group focuses on work participation interventions and work participation outcomes and their implementation in practice.

Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work (https://work.cochrane.org/) at the AMC organizes this inaugural symposium to stimulate your understanding about work participation. This international symposium welcomes national and international presenters including contributions by Carel Hulshof (AMC), Gert Lindenger (EUMASS), Regina Kunz (Basel University), Jos Verbeek (Cochrane Work, Finland), Han Anema (VUMC), Ute Bültmann (University of Groningen) and Christopher Prinz (OECD).

Contributions will focus on Cochrane and work participation, including:

What Cochrane Work evidence do policy makers need?

What could Cochrane Work do better for guideline developers?

What is the future of randomized trials of occupational health interventions?

Plans of the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work

Cochrane in the Netherlands

The need for a Core Outcome Set on Work participation

Knowledge translation, blogs, infographics and storytelling: examples by Cochrane Work and Cochrane Insurance Medicine


Tijd09:30 - 18:00
LocatieAmsterdam Zuid-Oost (NL) (Toon kaart)

De Congresorganisatie van Amsterdam UMC

Tafelbergweg 51
1105 BD
Amsterdam Zuidoost
Postbus 23213
1100 DS