Opleidingen details Virology Education
Treating Today for Tomorrow (ID nummer: 364903)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing verpleegkundig specialisten212-9-2019 t/m 11-3-2021
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.


Nowadays, effective and safe combined antiretroviral therapies are available for the treatment of HIV infections, which in turn has transformed HIV infection into a chronic disease and as a result people living with HIV (PLWHIV) are enjoying longer lives.

Therefore, management of HIV infection in an aging population is becoming increasingly important because of challenges ahead such as physiological changes, comorbidities, and polypharmacy with drug-drug interactions. How do healthcare professionals treating PLWHIV manage these challenges and do the choices of treatment today determine the clinical outcomes of tomorrow?

Come, engage, and discuss these and other challenges under the leadership of Astrid Joosten at the interactive Treating Today for Tomorrow forum on Thursday 12 September 2019 from 17:30 to 21:00 hrs in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam.

The main language of the forum is English.

In short
Treating Today for Tomorrow is an interactive forum where new developments and clinical data in HIV treatment will be discussed. Under the leadership of Astrid Joosten, expert health care professionals in HIV will discuss different aspects and angles of HIV treatment.

Provisional program
18:00 hrs. Welcome - Opening
18:05 hrs. Session
18:20 hrs. Interactive session
18:35 hrs. Interactive session
19:35 hrs. Session
19:50 hrs. Closure of meeting
20:00 hrs. Walking dinner & coffee
21:00 hrs. End

Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten RegisterVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV)KNMG-GAIA
Verpleegkundig specialist acute zorg bij somatische aandoeningenVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
Verpleegkundig specialist Algemene Gezondheidszorg (AGZ)Verpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
Verpleegkundig specialist geestelijke gezondheidszorgVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
1 2
Tijd17:30 - 21:30
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Medical Education Company

Biltstraat 106
3572 BJ