Opleidingen details Ned. Ver. voor Psychiatrie B.V.
EAPM 2019 (ID nummer: 362909)
Scholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
ELP herregistratie2219-6-2019 t/m 18-12-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Psychosomatic medicine is THE multi-disciplinary arena where different medical specialties explore the interrelationship between bodily processes and social, psychological and psychiatric factors. Clinical courses of mental processes affecting medical outcomes and, vice versa, somatic processes influencing mental well-being constitute our main field of interest. Diverse clinical disciplines, ranging from medical psychology to psychiatry, neurology, internal medicine, surgery, including various somatic subspecialties, are involved in the effort to understand the physiological pathways in psychosomatic conditions and, at least in an ideal world, to advocate multi-disciplinary management.

However, integration of care (i.e., bringing together diverse specialty skills and expertise in complex cases of multi-morbidity simultaneously) still remains a difficult process in psychosomatics. Whereas the aspiration to integrate medical and mental health care is widespread, integrated care services are yet hard to find. In order to avoid unintended
negative outcomes due to under-detection of psychosomatic complexity or treatment refractoriness in fragmented mono-disciplinary trajectories, integration of care is deemed necessary at the hospital level between medical specialties and between the medical hospital and primary care.

The 2019 EAPM annual conference will provide lectures, symposia, workshops and master classes starting from different medical specialty perspectives on the pathophysiology and treatment of psychosomatic syndromes. In order to inform the field on current etiologic concepts another focus is on symptom formation and what constitutes to psychosomatic complexity. Furthermore, clinical efforts will be presented on when and where integrated
care could be delivered to foster a multi-disciplinary network approach, which may connect medical specialties across healthcare settings.

Accreditatiebureau - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Klinisch neuropsycholoog (BIG) - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Klinisch psycholoog (BIG) - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (NVvP)KNMG-GAIA
uitsluitend academici
Geen toetsing, wel evaluatie
19-6-2019 t/m 22-6-2019
LocatieRotterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)
 ELP herregistratieAantal urenDatumTijd
Conference day 15,5620-06-2019
Conference day 25,5621-06-2019
Conference day 35,5422-06-2019

Aanbieder Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie

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Postbus 20062
3502 LB
030 899 3139