Opleidingen details ACBS BeNe
Working with complex cliënts (ID nummer: 361901)
Scholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Specialismen Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog726-8-2019 t/m 25-8-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie in principe ingegeven door de opleider. U kunt echter zelf ook presentie invoeren.

Complex clients are those people who are facing multiple problems simultaneously. This includes mood and anxiety, substance misuse problems, psychosis, trauma and self-esteem issues. They often have long histories of struggling and present with little hope for change. They often experience difficulties in their relationship with others, including their therapist. One of the underlying connections is how they see themselves, their identity and their identity in relation to others.
The concept of low self-esteem has become prominent in everyday language and is often applied to the kind of people described above. The idea that ‘high self-esteem’ is preferable to ‘low self-esteem’ is pervasive amongst therapists and the people who engage their services. However, due to the emphasis on self-rating and judgement, working to raise a person’s self-esteem lacks consistency with the principles and values that characterise more contemporary, or ‘third wave’ developments in cognitive behavioural therapies. Modern innovations suggest powerful new ways of helping clients to stop fighting for ‘high self-esteem’ and move to developing deep self-acceptance, and lead lives that are rich, fulfilling and fun.
This workshop will present cutting edge developments in contemporary theory and practice, drawing on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Relational Frame Theory (RFT) to help therapists simplify their interventions as related to notions of the self.

The workshop has three clear aims:
-To promote the latest developments in ACT and RFT in making sense of the self in therapy
-To help therapists understand the important difference between self-esteem and self-acceptance
-To equip therapists with practical skills for moving towards self-acceptance through the elegant use of the therapeutic relationship

academici en HBO-ers
225 euro
Geen toetsing
Deelnemers zijn reeds bekend met de grondbeginselen van ACT en hebben al enige ervaring met werken met ACT.
Flyer Joe Oliver.pdf10-5-2019 17:28655 KB
Tijd10:00 - 17:00

De ACBS BeNe een vereniging van therapeuten, onderzoekers en anderszins betrokkenen die zich bezighouden met Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Relational Frame Theory (RFT) en het functioneel contextualisme (FC).

De ACBS BeNe stelt zich als doel om
samenwerking tussen ACT therapeuten, onderzoekers en anderen te bevorderen
therapeuten die ACT willen toepassen te ondersteunen met het bieden van informatie, therapiemateriaal, voorlichtingsmateriaal, scholingen, intervisies, supervisies, wetenschappelijke artikelen en het waarborgen van kwaliteit
onderzoekers te ondersteunen die onderzoek willen doen naar de effectiviteit van ACT, de processen die in ACT een rol spelen, het doen van gedragsanalytisch onderzoek naar RFT en dit onderzoek te implementeren in de klinische praktijk
cliënten of verwijzers die contact zoeken met ACT therapeuten de mogelijkheid te bieden de geschikte therapeut te vinden

Brantjesstraat 52
1447 PE