Opleidingen details Erasmus MC afdeling Radiologie & Nucleaire Geneeskunde
Refereeravond 18 april 2019 (ID nummer: 361149)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing radiologie218-4-2019 t/m 17-4-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.


Prof Hildo Lamb


‘The Future of CMR is EZ’

‘’korte omschrijving’’

Cardiac MRI is one of the most important clinical imaging modalities for diagnosis of heart disease which can provide a comprehensive clinical evaluation of heart anatomy, function, and tissue composition, without the need for ionizing radiation. However, significant technical challenges hamper the widespread routine clinical application and limit its use to specialized MRI centres with expert technical support. Patients are requested to perform a large number of consecutive breath- holds (typically twenty to thirty) during scanning. This is often very difficult or impossible for patients with heart failure, anxiety, communications problems or for young children. Furthermore, current protocols consist of multi-slice 2D imaging since 3D acquisitions would take too long using current technology. The acquisition of relatively thick 2D slices reduces the accuracy of types of automated image segmentation which are needed to quantify measures such as ejection fraction and myocardial wall thickness required for clinical diagnosis.

The lecture will cover several solutions to make cardiac MRI more robust and friendly for patients, MR technicians and MDs by converting from multiple 2D acquisitions with breath-holds to an easy-to-use whole heart high resolution 3D free-breathing respiratory-motion-corrected acquisitions.


Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nucleaire Geneeskunde (NVNG)
Uitnodiging refereeravond 18 april 2019.doc12-4-2019 14:44613 KB
Cardiovasculaire radiologie
Tijd20:00 - 22:00
LocatieRotterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Academisch ziekenhuis

Dr.Molewaterplein 40, Ne-515
3015 GD
Postbus 2040
3000 CA