Opleidingen details Virtual Colonoscopy Academy
Virtual Colonoscopy Academy (ID nummer: 360768)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing radiologie1931-10-2019 t/m 30-10-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Virtual Colonoscopy Academy organizes an international dedicated Virtual Colonoscopy course. Together with our partners of; Ospedale del delta di Lagosanto, Ferrara, Italy; NHS Highland, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Scotland, UK; Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic; Meander MC, Amersfoort, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam and VieCuri MC, Venlo, the Netherlands; we organize an extensive training course with emphasis on hands-on training. Two University Hospitals and four large Community Hospitals from four different countries combine their extensive international experience in the field of Virtual Colonoscopy together with local clinical experts from the departments of Gastro-Enterology and Surgical Oncology in order to embrace the topic in full clinical setting and practical routine.

In this three-day hands-on workshop, 50 CTC cases will be studied under the guidance of expert radiologists. Each case will be analyzed by the course attendees using advanced image processing software, followed by a plenary case assessment by the faculty, based on full surgery and pathology reports.
Several lectures, given in a multidisciplinary setting by local clinical experts, will focus on guidelines and practical handling of the scan and imaging technique, bowel preparation, clinical impact, radiation dose considerations etc. After this course, the attendee should be able to introduce, perform and analyze CTC in his or her department.

Program 2019 V1.docx9-4-2019 15:2233 KB
995 euro voor radiologen
695 euro radiologen in opleiding en laboranten
Abdominale radiologie
31-10-2019 t/m 2-11-2019
Tijd09:00 - 15:00
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Virtual Colonoscopy Academy

Virtual Colonoscopy Academy organiseert een internationale Virtual Colonoscopy cursus. Samen met onze partners van; Ospedale del delta di Lagosanto, Ferrara, Italy; NHS Highland, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Scotland, UK; Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic; Meander MC, Amersfoort, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam and VieCuri MC, Venlo, the Netherlands; organizeren we een extensieve training cursus met nadruk op hands-on training.
Twee University Hospitals en vier grote Community Hospitals uit vier verschillende landen combineren hun extensieve internationale ervaring in het veld van Virtual Colonoscopy samen met lokale clinische experts van de afdelingen Gastro-Enterology en Surgical Oncology zodat 

in order to embrace the topic in full clinical setting and practical routine.

In deze drie dagen hands-on workshop, 50 CTC cases zullen bestudeerd worden onder begeleiding van expert radiologen. Elke case wordt geanalyzeerd door de cursisten, gebruik makend van advanced image processing software, gevolgd door een plenary case assessment door de faculty, based on full surgery and pathology reports.

Diverse lectures, gegeven in een multidisciplinary setting door lokale clinische experts, focussen op guidelines en practische handelingen van de scan en imaging techniek, bowel voorbereiding, clinische impact, radiation dose considerations etc. Na deze cursus, kan de cursist introduce, perform and analyze CTC in zijn of haar eigen afdeling.

De cursus wordt georganizeerd samen met Philips Healthcare. Het image processing werkstation is de Philips CT IntelliSpace Portal, met automatic polyp detection en electronische cleansing.

Workshop wordt gedaan in de Engelse taal.

Per adres: VieCuri Medisch Centrum Afd Radiologie, projectnr E.17.31.007 Tegelseweg 210
5912 BL
Per adres: VieCuri Medisch Centrum Afd. Radiologie, projectnr E.17.31.007 Postbus 1926
5900 BX
+ 31 77 3206840