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13th Congress of the European-African Hepato-Pacreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA) 2019 (ID nummer: 360287)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing Research382-6-2019 t/m 1-12-2020
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13th Congress of the European – African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association in Amsterdam in 2019. The E-AHPBA is and association of almost 1000 European and African members and organizes their congress every 2 years alternately with the worldwide International HPB Association (IHPBA). There is close relationship between these associations. The E-AHPBA overarches the national HPB societies. The 13th biannual meeting will be held right in the city centre of Amsterdam in the Netherlands from Sunday June 2nd till Wednesday June 5th 2019.

The aims of the conference is to improve evidence-based care and optimize the outcome of patients with HPB disorders by:

  • Disseminating research findings and best treatment practices
  • Encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration in European and African countriesTo contribute to the knowledge in HPB disorders in its largest sense and to the establishment of scientific connections between experts in this field
  • To promote the exchange of scientific and medical knowledge of HPB specialists in the field
  • Advancing HPB specific training for surgery. (e.g. postgraduate course especially for young people on June 2nd)


The programme consists of:

  • - a post-graduate course on 2 June
  • - the ’regular’ congress programme on 3, 4 and 5 June
  • - an Allied Health programme for nurse practitioners on 5 June (2 sessions)
2-6-2019 t/m 5-6-2019
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Scholing ResearchDatumTijd
Post-graduate course of the 13th E-AHPBA Congress702-06-201908:30 - 17:15
Allied Health Programme of the 13th E-AHPBA Congress (nurse practitioners programme)305-06-20199:30 - 12:45
13th E-AHPBA Congress - dag 11003-06-201908:00 - 19:30
13th E-AHPBA Congress - dag 21004-06-201907:00 - 18:15
13th E-AHPBA Congress - dag 3805-06-201907:00 - 16:45

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