BRAIN THERAPY (ID nummer: 354993)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL8Vanaf 24-10-2019
Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia16Vanaf 24-10-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The techniques presented in this class can probably help most of your patients, but it can specifically help pathologies such as closed-head injuries, whiplash, headaches, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, cognitive behavioral dysfunctions, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Students will learn specific techniques to release brain-centered restrictions as well as the damaging effects that these restrictions cause.

Many topics will be covered in the Brain Therapy classes, in general, including:

1. Cranial bones (intraosseous and interosseous lesions) Claustrum

2. Cranial membranes in all anatomical directions

3. Fluid: 3 distinct compartments

a. Subarachnoid spaces and cerebral cisterns

b. Brain parenchyma and the glymphatic system

c. Ventricles

Day One:
8.30am - 11am Introduction. Autonomic nervous system/trauma/upregulation/downregulation: theory and scientific evidences

11:00 - 11:15am Break / group discussion

11:15 - 12:45pm Release autonomic nervous system/trauma/downregulation technique practice
Determine the location of an autonomic nervous system/trauma dysfunction in the face or cranium

12:45 – 13.45pm Lunch

13.45- 3:30pm Brain Ventricles technique and central canal of the spinal cord

3:30 - 3:45pm Break / group discussion

3:45 - 6:00pm Microanatomy and microphysiology techniques

Day Two
08.30 - 9:30am Questions and answers Case studies

9:30 - 11:00am Brain nuclei: corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, fornix, indusium griseum

11:00 - 11:15pm Break / group discussion

11:15 - 12:45pm Brain nuclei: basal nuclei, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen, claustrum, insula of Rheil (Reil)

12:45 – 13.45pm Lunch

13.45 - 3:00pm Brain nuclei: clinical case. Brain nuclei: thalamus, pulvinar, interthalamic adhesion

3:00 – 3:30pm Brain nuclei: hippocampus, amygdala

3:30 - 3:45pm Break / group discussion

3:45pm – 4:45pm Brain nuclei: hypothalamus, pituitary. Brain nuclei: mammillary bodies, olfactory nerves, substantia nigra, red
nucleus, ventral tegmental area (VTA)

4:45pm – 6:00pm Brain nuclei: cerebellum: intra, inter and cerebro-cerebellar lesions. cerebellar nuclei

Day Three
8.30 - 10:30am Questions and answers. Brain nuclei: pineal / habenula .

10:30 - 10:45am Break / group discussion

10:45 - 12:45pm Universal Rhythm Lab. Motility and release of the brain parenchyma

12:45 – 13.45pm Lunch

13.45 2:30pm Release of the brain/mobility: anterior release and posterior release

2:30 - 4:00pm Release of the spinal cord/mobility

4:00 - 6.00 Take home protocol. Final questions and answers.
Self-Reflection and identification of changes for practitioner’s practice.
24-10-2019 t/m 26-10-2019
Tijd09:00 - 18:00
LocatieAntwerpen (BE) (Toon kaart)

Het 'Centrum voor Osteopathie' is een onafhankelijk instituut dat het doel heeft postacademische cursussen te organiseren.
De aanduiding 'postacademisch' betekent dat u voor het volgen van de opleidingen een academische vooropleiding in de osteopathie genoten heeft. Onze actuele cursussen bieden de laatste stand van zaken in wetenschap en techniek, onderzoek en praktijk.
Het Centrum voor Osteopathie is niet gebonden aan een basisopleiding in de osteopathie.

+32 3 774 24 22