Opleidingen details MRON Radiologie
Breast MRI Course 2019 Enschede (ID nummer: 354887)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing radiologie2013-6-2019 t/m 12-6-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

A practical course on Breast MRI with a combination of lectures on breast MRI by experienced Breast MRI radiologists and hands-on reading sessions. We work on dedicated CAD Breast MRI workstations. Mainly the basic techniques on Breast MRI and BIRADS classification as also MRI Biopsy and non mass lesions will be discussed. After and during the course the participants will be able to practice on the working stations. A maximum of 36 participants is held, to achieve optimal hands-on training.

Educational needs:

-During the past 5 years we have developed a program for hands-on learning of Breast MRI. Every year we make an update of:

* new guidelines/changes in guidelines

* new/modern up to date protocols

*more cases to practice, we now have more than 160 cases to review.

*The course is suitable for radiologists who just started Breast MRI, as also for more experienced Breast radiologist as the difficulty goes up during the 3 days of learning. Guided by 4 dedicated breast radiologists there is time for discussion to encounter more difficult cases, in order to learn from each other.


To experience difficulties that are encountered in daily practice, as there is an overlap between benign and malignant lesions, especialy in non-mass enhancement lesions, which are the most difficult to analize. Try to learn and make the difference between those, and how to manage difficult cases for further use in daily practice.

Also learn how to do a MRI guided Breast biopsy, and difficulties in planning these biopsies. Beside this, we have the excellent MRI Breast techniques lectures.


If needed a preliminary program of 2019 can be included.



(Meerdaags) Congres
Program Breast MRI Course 2019.pdf24-2-2019 18:43203 KB
Deelname Radioloog 950 euro
Deelname assistent 600 euro
Tijd8:00 - 13:00
LocatieEnschede (NL) (Toon kaart)

Tijd8:00 - 18:00
LocatieEnschede (NL) (Toon kaart)

Tijd9:30 - 16:30
LocatieEnschede (NL) (Toon kaart)

Medisch Spectrum Twente Koningsplein 1
Medisch Spectrum Twente t.n.v. afdeling Radiologie Postbus 50000