Opleidingen details Two Hands Events
IBRA Course, Fractures of the Upper Limb-From the Fingertip to the Shoulder (ID nummer: 351445)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing Heelkunde vakinhoudelijk (geen refereerbijeenkomsten)2120-3-2019 t/m 20-3-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Dear colleagues,

Trauma to the Shoulder and Elbow Joint is common and often represents complex entities in daily clinical practice. The challenges lay within the intricate anatomy, and the dynamic biomechanics of these joints. In modern times, osteoporotic bone quality further increases the difficulty of the fractures.
Considering short-term results especially of the partial and full prosthetic treatments of elbow pathologies, it is obvious that our ultimate goal should be the anatomical and biological reconstruction of the bony and ligamentous injury. Joint replacement should be avoided if possible. Besides the new developments in the field of osteosynthesis techniques, the reconstruction of soft tissue injuries, especially the ligamentous injuries, play a
major role with regard to the elbow joint. In the context of the current course concept with fractured specimens with intact soft tissue envelope, we address the bony stabilization techniques and possibilities of soft tissue reconstruction.

We look forward to welcoming you in Cologne to practically oriented days full of interesting discussions with pre-fractured specimens.

Prof. Dr. med. PD Dr. med.

Lars P. Müller Kilian Wegmann

Dear colleagues,

Distal radius fracture treatment is THE topic in upper limb trauma surgery. Although well described, in complex situations it is controversial and challenging. The Master Training Courses in Cologne are focused on exercises in a realistic clinical setting. An intensive theoretical part focused on complex situations is followed by a practical part with pre-fractured specimens. X-ray and CT scans are part of the package. They are discussed in small groups and the best treatment strategy including tips and tricks given by their instructors is outlined.  Afterwards internal fixation of the fracture is performed and finally all groups present their cases and discuss it in common. This allows participants to profit from the experiences made by each other. This is the real fracture treatment.

I look forward to welcoming you in Cologne to a great event.

Dr. med.

Radek Kebrle

(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
20-3-2019 t/m 22-3-2019
LocatieKöln (DE) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing Heelkunde vakinhoudelijk (geen refereerbijeenkomsten)DatumTijd
IBRA Course, Fractures of the upper limb- from the fingertip to the shoulder 720-03-20197:30 - 17:00
IBRA Course, Fractures of the upper limb- from the fingertip to the shoulder 721-03-20198:00 - 17:00
IBRA Course, Fractures of the upper limb- from the fingertip to the shoulder 722-03-20198:00 - 17:00


Heinsiuslaan 8
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