Opleidingen details Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare (DSSH)
Congres Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare: Medical Simulation “Let’s work together" (ID nummer: 346392)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 2613-3-2019 t/m 12-3-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The 11th Annual Congress of the Dutch Society for Simulation and Healthcare will take place at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam. This year’s theme is: Let’s work together!’

As has often been established, effective teamwork in healthcare is crucial for patient safety. In education and training, these important, complex skills should be well trained, and health care organizations should support further development of these skills and the underlying principles of an open learning culture.

In our congress program, we have outstanding keynote speakers (from the Netherlands and the USA) who will share their experiences in implementing team training and simulation programs in their organizations and daily practice. Moreover, participants can join workshops on simulation development, training and assessment, on debriefing or join an interactive tour through the Erasmus MC Simulation Center and Sophia’s hospital In Situ Simulation area, led by experts. Inspiring scientific presentations and posters have been selected and will enhance the interactivity with the audience. The winners will be awarded at the end of the day.
As to serious games, our international colleague will share experiences in using the DSSH evaluation framework for designing training and assessment games in Singapore. Quality Labels for newly developed serious games will be granted and we conclude the day with an exciting serious game battle between two experts in the field.

This year’s congress at the Erasmus MC is in the heart of the city of Rotterdam. After 16 years of construction, its brand-new buildings have been used since May 2018 by patients, employees and students.

Healthy population and excellent healthcare, this is what Erasmus MC stands for. Conducting groundbreaking work,  and leading the way in research, education, and healthcare. We employ over 13.000 professionals. Driven professionals with a can-do mentality who use their expertise to expand the pool of knowledge about health and disease, who improve diagnostics and treatment, and who continually look for ways to innovate. 

In addition to a general academic hospital, the Erasmus MC organization also includes Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital and Erasmus MC Cancer Institute.

As for our academic training program, more than 4500 students are registered. They are offered a 6-year bachelor-master in Medicine, in Medical Technology (joint degree with TU Delft and LUMC) and in Nano-biology (jt. degree with TU Delft). Five Research master programs, PhD programs and residency programs in all medical specialties are provided. Furthermore, a range of paramedic and medical specialty training programs for nurses and health care workers are being conducted.

The congress is in Dutch; however, all presentations and workshops will be supported by English slides but some international presenters may present in English.

We hope you’ll enjoy the congress, get inspired by it, exchange ideas and refresh your contacts.
We hope to meet you soon in Rotterdam!


Mary Dankbaar, congress president

Accreditatiebureau Kwaliteitsregister V&V en Register ZorgprofessionalsVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
ADAP (Accreditatie Deskundigheidsbevorderende Activiteiten Paramedici)Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
DiëtistenStichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
ErgotherapeutenStichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
HuidtherapeutenStichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
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(Meerdaags) Congres
DSSH Programma_Mrt19 def.pdf18-12-2018 17:09256 KB
Bovengenoemd bedrag is afhankelijk professie van de deelnemer. Studenten en leden van de DSSH genieten een aanzienlijke korting op de inschrijving. Dit staat duidelijk vermeld bij de inschrijfmodule op de website.
Tijd09:00 - 17:00
LocatieRotterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

De vereniging DSSH (Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare) is opgericht in juni 2007; en heeft als doel:

Het bevorderen van de ontwikkeling en toepassing van simulatie en 'serious gaming' ten behoeve van patiëntveiligheid, onderwijs, training, wetenschappelijk onderzoek en kwaliteitsmanagement in de gezondheidszorg. De vereniging tracht dit doel onder meer te bereiken door:

-Het faciliteren, uitwisselen en verbeteren van simulatietechnologie en - kennis in Nederland en met de geaffilieerde buitenlandse verenigingen (netwerkfunctie);

-Het ontwikkelen en promoten van standaarden voor simulatieonderwijs, -training en onderzoek via de diverse Commissies en Congressen;

-Het vormen van een netwerk ter stimulering van samenwerking voor, tussen en door alle discipines die zich bezighouden met de toepassing en/of ontwikkeling van simulatie en serious gaming in de gezondheidzorg.

Dit verenigingsjaar (2011) worden met nadruk ook de professionals in de zorg zoals de beroepsgroepen van nurse practitioners, physician assistants, verloskundigen, anaesthesiemedewerkers en OK medewerkers benaderd en van harte uitgenodigd om actief in de vereniging te participeren.


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040 2912025