Opleidingen details RINO Groep Utrecht
Masterclass Family systems trauma model (ID nummer: 346343)
Scholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor gehele scholing
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
NVRG - Nascholingscursus1830-1-2019 t/m 29-1-2020
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Participants who complete this three days’ masterclass with advanced FST training will be able to:
1. Better identify who are our traumatized children and why a structural-strategic family systems approach is an ideal but often overlooked approach. 
2. Understand and apply the 5 Phases of the FST model with step-by-step strategies that can be used the next day at work.
3. Learn new and innovative motivational interviewing strategies to engage even the most resistant parent or child in trauma treatment.
4. Use specific techniques such as the Stress Chart, Feedback Loops, and the Seed/Tree Diagram to help the family move from 'How do you feel about the traumatic event?' to 'What’s next in the here and now in order to heal our wounds?'
5. Learn the key difference between traditional behavioral contracts and what are called 'wound playbooks' with the timing of when and how to use them.
6. Learn the complementary fit between more traditional individual trauma treatment methods (e.g. Trauma Focused Cognitive Therapy (TF-CBT) or Neurobiological Trauma Treatment.

uitsluitend academici
toetsing en evaluatie
A clinical background is necessary for the effective application of FST treatment. Attendance at the workshop is limited to all levels of social workers and mental health professionals who have a master’s degree or higher in the mental health.
Flyer C1901_met prijs.pdf8-1-2019 9:00234 KB
30-1-2019 t/m 1-2-2019
Tijd9:00 - 17:30
LocatieUtrecht (NL) (Toon kaart)

De RINO Groep is een maatschappelijk betrokken organisatie. Met onze ruim 90 medewerkers organiseren we opleidingen, trainingen en congressen voor professionals die werken met mensen met een psychische kwetsbaarheid. Dit doen we in nauwe samenwerking met onze docenten en diverse samenwerkingspartners.

Oudenoord 6
3511 BS
(030) 230 84 50