Opleidingen details Allergan (BV)
Chronic Migraine International Expert Meeting (ID nummer: 345705)
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A collaboration of healthcare professionals and Allergan Medical Institute working to improve the lives of those touched by chronic migraine (CM)

• The latest migraine anatomy discoveries

• Clinical implications of cutting-edge research

• Emerging technologies to support the patient from clinic to home

Missions have been individually designed to provide the best learning experience for specialist topics.

Each mission has been specifically developed to focus on one of three key themes, as indicated by the icons throughout

  • High science
  • Enhancing patient management
  • Optimising clinical practice

INT/0552/2018b | Date of preparation: November 2018

(Meerdaags) Congres
registratie, meeting rooms, lunches en breaks
Tijd09:00 - 15:15
LocatiePrague (CZ) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenHilton Hotel Praag

Tijd09:00 - 17:30
LocatiePrague (CZ) (Toon kaart)
OpmerkingenHilton Hotel Praag - 1+2 maart 2019

accreditatie aanvraag

Arena Boulevard 61-75
1101 DL
, Keizerstraat 13
4811 HL
+31 (0)20 798 0600