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Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 2: Assessment, Intervention, and Co-Morbidities (ID nummer: 344747)
Scholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor gehele scholing
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
NVRG - Nascholingscursus1828-3-2019 t/m 27-3-2022
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The second level of Gottman Method Couples Therapy is called Assessment, Intervention, And Co-Morbidities. This 3-day workshop deepens your knowledge and understanding of the Gottman Method. You will learn more about how and when to use the interventions, and how to handle co-morbidities that complicate couples counseling, such as depression, affairs, PTSD, addictions and domestic violence. You will also be given ample opportunity to practice many of the couple therapy exercises.

In this workshop, you will:

-Sharpen your clinical skills.

-Integrate research-based Gottman Method assessments and intervention techniques with your personal therapy style.

-Learn when to use particular interventions.

-Assess when couples therapy is contraindicated or might be harmful.

-Be able to use your Level 2 Clinical Manual, which includes revised Gottman Core Assessments, Gottman Supplemental Assessments and more than 50 Gottman Interventions.

-Practice interventions in group role-plays.

-View videos of Dr. Julie Gottman working with a difficult couple.

-Receive supportive coaching from Certified Gottman Method Trainer Julie Sharon-Wagschal as you participate in experiential exercises.

Includes: 500-page Clinical Manual | Certificate of Completion of Level 2 Training | Ability to be listed on the Gottman Referral Network | Qualified to continue to Level 3

You must have completed Gottman Level 1 (Live or Home Study) to register. 

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

1. Assess a couple’s “Friendship Profile,” “Conflict Profile,” and “Shared Meanings Profile”
2. Develop interventions that couples can use as antidotes to the “Four Horsemen”
3. Find ways to help couples to soothe physiological flooding
4. Apply six modes of changing the “Attack/Defend System” in a couple’s interactions
5. Organize how to assist couples in establishing dialogue about their grid-locked conflicts
6. Select and implement interventions to help couples deepen their “Friendship System” with rituals of connection
7. Select and implement interventions to help couples create a shared system of values and meaning
8. Identify and implement five different co-morbidities common to couples using Gottman Assessments and Interventions

Program Objectives:

1. Describe the three qualities every therapist needs.
2. Explain the basics of observation including why it’s important to recognize Emotions on the Human Face, Tension in the Voice, the Importance of Words and the use of the SPAFF coding system.
3. Describe the seven levels of the Sound Relationship House theory.
4. Describe how to recognize Bids and Turning Towards.
5. Explain and demonstrate how to conduct an Oral History Interview.
6. Assess a couple’s “Friendship Profile,” “Conflict Profile,” and “Shared Meanings Profile”.
7. Explain and demonstrate how to use the 3 profiles to choose appropriate interventions for the couple.
8. Describe the use of the core assessments with couples, including the Locke-Wallace, Weiss-Cerretto, Gottman Sounds Relationship House Questionnaires, Gottman 19 Areas Checklist, EAQ, SCL-90, Detour Scales, CAGE, b-Mast, and Supplemental Assessments.
9. Formulate a treatment plan and present it to the couple including using the Sound Relationship House model.
10. Develop interventions that couples can use as antidotes to the “Four Horseman.”
11. Help couples to physiologically soothe when flooded.
12. Select and implement interventions to help deal with conflict.
13. Apply different modes of changing the “Attack/Defend System” in a couple’s interaction.
14. Assist couples to establish dialogue about their grid-locked conflicts.
15. Select and implement interventions to help couples deepen their “Friendship System” with Rituals of Connection.
16. Select and implement interventions to help couples create a shared system of values and meaning.
17. Use and describe the Stress-Reducing Conversation to minimize relapse.
18. Identify and formulate a plan for different co-morbidities common to couples using Gottman Method Couples Therapy Assessment and Intervention.
19. Describe how to apply Gottman Method Couples Therapy to a couple who has experienced an affair
20. Describe when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use Gottman Method Couples Therapy with a couple dealing with substance abuse.
21. Describe the differences between situational and characterological domestic violence and when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use Gottman Method couples therapy with a couple dealing with domestic violence.

academici en HBO-ers
Geen toetsing, wel evaluatie
Deelname Gottman Level 1 training (workshop of online)
PROGRAMMA Gottman Level 2.pdf13-1-2019 10:43201 KB
29-10-2020 t/m 31-10-2020
Tijd9:00 - 17:00

26-9-2019 t/m 28-9-2019
Tijd9:00 - 17:00

28-3-2019 t/m 30-3-2019
Tijd8:30 - 17:00
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

Gecertificeerde Gottman Relatietherapeut en Opleider.
Groot Blankenberg 56