Opleidingen details SmartEducation - MovingSmart BV
SMARTEDUCATION; Praktijkopleiding ‘Strength training and coordination’ – Frans Bosch & Paul Venner (ID nummer: 341904)

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Goede opleiding - toppers in hun vakgebied - een nieuwe visie die mij kan uitdagen om meer uit mijn oefentherapie te halen
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zeer goede cursus, goed uitgewerkt en heel praktisch
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Pro-Q-Kine - Algemeen kinesitherapeutisch162-5-2019 t/m 31-12-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Doelstelling :

Tijdens deze praktijkopleiding wordt de vertaling gemaakt van de inhouden van de basiscursus naar concrete praktische invulling, waarbij transfer van training centraal staat. Er wordt dieper ingegaan op  bewegings- en foutenanalyse, maar er worden vooral heel veel voorbeelden gegeven van oefenstof. Het individualiseren van deze oefenstof staat centraal. Een vernieuwende en verruimende kijk op kracht- en coördinatietraining!

Leerdoelen :
– Het aan de hand van de dynamische systeemtheorie kunnen analyseren en beoordelen van de kwaliteit van basiscomponenten (attractoren) van sportbewegingen
– Het kunnen analyseren van oefenstof en het in kaart kunnen brengen van de transfer van oefenstof
– Het kunnen beoordelen van de moeilijkheidsgraad van oefenstof in relatie tot individuele lichaamscontrole en in de context van de omgeving

Datum : donderdag 2 en vrijdag 3 mei ’19 , telkens van 9u-17u

Doelgroep: OPGELET : enkel indien u reeds in het verleden heeft deelgenomen aan de theoretische cursus met Frans Bosch (in België of Nederland) kan u deelnemen aan deze praktijkcursus. Een extra editie van deze theoretische opleiding organiseren we op 25-26 april te Gent.

Prijs : 620€ , 40% korting indien betaling met KMO-Portefeuille

Inbegrepen : Syllabus, lunch en koffiepauzes.

Accreditatie : aangevraagd via ProQ-Kine

Frans Bosch earned a degree in Physical Education in 1977. Since 1980 he worked in athletics, coaching elite sprinters and Olympic high jumpers and for some years as the national coach for jumping events. Since 2005 Bosch teaches at the Fontys University for applied sciences in sports, mainly in the field of anatomy, biomechanics, strength training and motor learning.
Frans Bosch has given numerous presentations on training related topics all over the world and frequently works internationally as a consultant in sport and as conference speaker on training related subjects. Clients in recent years are the English Institute of Sports, Wales National Team Rugby the British & Irish Lions, Japan National Team Rugby, England cricket, West ham United football and others.
Together with Ronald Klomp he wrote ‘”Running, biomechanics and exercise physiology applied in practice”, published in the Netherlands in 2001 and translated in English in 2005. His most recent work, “Strength training and coordination, an integrated approach”, is published in the Netherlands in 2012 and translated in English in 2015.

Paul Venner is an expert in movement and elite sports performance. Paul is the creator of the Aquabags and the Aquaballs. The relationship between motor control, learning and the transfer of training has his particular interests. He gained his first experience as a Strength & Conditioning coach at the Institute of Sports in Sydney (NSWIS), pursued a Msc. in Strength & Conditioning in London (St. Mary’s University Twickenham) and worked for four years at the Olympic Institute of the Netherlands (NOC*NSF). While at the mean- time developing the concept and brand Ultimate instability with the training products Aquabags and Aquaballs. His current role is as Head of Performance for the Dutch Baseball Federation.

Frans Bosch earned a degree in Physical Education in 1977. Since 1980 he worked in athletics, coaching elite sprinters and Olympic high jumpers and for some years as the national coach for jumping events. Since 2005 Bosch teaches at the Fontys University for applied sciences in sports, mainly in the field of anatomy, biomechanics, strength training and motor learning.
Frans Bosch has given numerous presentations on training related topics all over the world and frequently works internationally as a consultant in sport and as conference speaker on training related subjects. Clients in recent years are the English Institute of Sports, Wales National Team Rugby the British & Irish Lions, Japan National Team Rugby, England cricket, West ham United football and others.
Together with Ronald Klomp he wrote ‘”Running, biomechanics and exercise physiology applied in practice”, published in the Netherlands in 2001 and translated in English in 2005. His most recent work, “Strength training and coordination, an integrated approach”, is published in the Netherlands in 2012 and translated in English in 2015.

Paul Venner is an expert in movement and elite sports performance. Paul is the creator of the Aquabags and the Aquaballs. The relationship between motor control, learning and the transfer of training has his particular interests. He gained his first experience as a Strength & Conditioning coach at the Institute of Sports in Sydney (NSWIS), pursued a Msc. in Strength & Conditioning in London (St. Mary’s University Twickenham) and worked for four years at the Olympic Institute of the Netherlands (NOC*NSF). While at the mean- time developing the concept and brand Ultimate instability with the training products Aquabags and Aquaballs. His current role is as Head of Performance for the Dutch Baseball Federation.
2-5-2019 t/m 3-5-2019
Tijd09:00 - 17:00
LocatieWilsele (BE) (Toon kaart)

 SmartEducation - MovingSmart BV

Moving Smart BV is een voortrekker in postacademische vorming voor kinesitherapeuten en andere zorgverstrekkers. Met Stijn De Mot en Robbie Billen aan het roer, herdefinieert onze onderneming zorgverlening door kennis, groei en ondernemerschap.
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