Opleidingen details Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Divisie interne geneeskunde & Dermatologie
preceptorship Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (ID nummer: 329100)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing interne geneeskunde1026-11-2018 t/m 25-11-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

This preceptorship is aimed at healthcare professionals with some experience in the TSC field who would like to deep dive in the disease and increase their knowledge and expertise.

This educational and interactive meeting will include lectures and workshops focusing on the multidisciplinary management of patients with TSC. Its goal is to provide neurologists, nephrologists, specialized paediatricians, and others involved in the care of TSC patients with a comprehensive overview of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and guidelines for the management of this rare disease.

The presenting faculty will include specialists and experienced clinicians working from the UMC Utrecht and EMC Rotterdam, who will be actively engaged during interactive discussions or workshops and/or will be invited as speaker.

Their presentations will cover the broad manifestations known for TSC. There will be an opportunity for the participants to discuss clinical cases and various strategies of TSC management. The workshops will focus on the multidisciplinary evaluation and management of real-life TSC patients, providing a unique hands-on learning opportunity for the participants.

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK)
(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
Deelnemers betalen hun eigen reis- en verblijfskosten.
interne geneeskunde
26-11-2018 t/m 27-11-2018
LocatieUtrecht (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing interne geneeskundeDatumTijd
On both days experienced clinicians and TSC specialists will share their experience with the audience. On the second day, there will be an emphasis on interactive workshops with case quizzes and patie426-11-201813:00 - 18:30
On both days experienced clinicians and TSC specialists will share their experience with the audience. On the second day, there will be an emphasis on interactive workshops with case quizzes and patie627-11-201808:30 - 17:15

Binnen onze opleiding word je opgeleid tot een gedegen internist met brede kennis en vaardigheden. Hierbij is er veel aandacht voor jouw persoonlijke kwaliteiten en ambities. Wij spitsen de opleiding toe op jouw persoonlijke interesses en behoeften.

Op deze manier ga je na afronding van de opleiding vol vertrouwen aan de slag als internist. Opgeleid in de regio Utrecht sta je sterk op de arbeidsmarkt!

Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX
Postbus 85500
3508 GA