Opleidingen details KNMP
Lunchworkshop KNMP Najaarscongres: Re-envisioning patient education about their maintenance therapy (ID nummer: 326975)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Cursus ZA19-10-2018 t/m 8-10-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Medications only work when you take them consistently just as communication is only effective if you use it adequately.

Communication is a basic condition for assisting patients in medication management. In order for communication to be effective, it is important to use a communication style that fits your own personal communication style. During this workshop we will learn you how you could use different communication strategies that appeal not only to the needs of your patient but also to your own needs and communication style. Several topics will be addressed during this workshop such as 1) how do I address the topic of medication intake; 2) how can I deal with patients who are resistant to take their medication 3) how can I address patients’ concerns about their medication, 4) how can I deal with patients who search online for information.


This workshop will learn participants how they can use effective communication strategies that fit their own needs to support patients with taking their maintenance medication.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the workshop participants:

-          know the advantages of tailored communication

-          are aware of their own communication skills and style

-          are able to deal with different type of patients with medication-related problems

-          are comfortable using different communication strategies and are able to adopt them to their own communication style

Openbaar apothekers (OA)
openbaar apothekers, ziekenhuisapothekers, industrie apothekers
gratis voor KNMP leden
Learning Objectives
At the end of the workshop participants:
- know the advantages of tailored communication
- are aware of their own communication skills and style
- are able to deal with different type of patients with medication-related problems
- are comfortable using different communication strategies and are able to adopt them to their own communication style
Communication is a basic condition for assisting patients in medication management. In order for communication to be effective, it is important to use a communication style that fits your own personal communication style. During this workshop we will learn you how you could use different communication strategies that appeal not only to the needs of your patient but also to your own needs and communication style. Several topics will be addressed during this workshop such as 1) how do I address the topic of medication intake; 2) how can I deal with patients who are resistant to take their medication 3) how can I address patients’ concerns about their medication, 4) how can I deal with patients who search online for information.
This workshop will learn participants how they can use effective communication strategies that fit their own needs to support patients with taking their maintenance medication.
Dr. Annemiek Linn, Dr. ir. Liset van Dijk
Tijd12:15 - 13:30
LocatieUtrecht (NL) (Toon kaart)

Brancheorganisatie apothekers

Alexanderstraat 11
2514 JL
Den Haag
Postbus 30460
2500 GL
Den Haag