Opleidingen details Sympopna
International Conference on Crisis, Coercion and Intensive Treatment in Psychiatry (CCITP). Theme of the conference: ’Zero-Strategies: From Dream to Reality’ (ID nummer: 326073)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing psychiatrie1118-10-2018 t/m 19-10-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Persons with mental problems may experience crisis, and are at higher risk for committing suicide and experiencing coercive measures. Since the rates of suicides as well as coercive measures seem to be on the rise in many countries, effective preventive interventions are urgently needed.

The theme of the conference is ’Zero Strategies: From Dream to Reality’. Aiming at the use of zero coercive measures and zero suicides stimulates the development and implementation of best practices. Every nation has a set of guidelines how to deal with crisis, suicide, and coercion, but there is large variation in clinical practices between countries. Some of the preventive and intervention models have been well described and researched, while others may be promising but not yet studied. In addition, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) urges us to develop new strategies to reduce coercive measures. Therefore, the International Crisis, Coercion and Intensive Treatment in Psychiatry (CCITP) Foundation has started an initiative to organize this first CCITP Conference.

Aims of the CCITP Conference

In 2018 the first international Conference will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, during which the latest knowledge concerning crisis, coercion and intensive treatment in psychiatry will be shared and discussed. The aim of the CCITP Conference is to bring together clients, caregivers, professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers and others), managers, policy makers and researchers to exchange knowledge and experiences about CCITP-related topics, and thereby to contribute to prevention of crisis, suicide, and coercion.

AccreditatieBureau Cluster 1 (Huisartsen, specialisten ouderengeneeskunde en artsen voor verstandelijk gehandicapten) (ABC1)KNMG-GAIA
Accreditatiebureau Kwaliteitsregister V&V en Register ZorgprofessionalsVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
College voor Accreditatie Huisartsen (CvAH)KNMG-GAIA
Consultatieve PsychiatrieVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
GGZVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
1 2 3
(Meerdaags) Congres
CCITP conference programma 18 en 19 oktober.docx13-5-2018 17:2752 KB
Consultatieve en –Ziekenhuispsychiatrie
Sociale Psychiatrie
LocatieRotterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing psychiatrieDatumTijd
Zero-Strategies: From Dream to Reality618-10-20189:00 - 17:00
Zero-Strategies: From Dream to Reality519-10-20189:00 - 17:00

Sympopna werd opgericht in 1992. De missie van Sympopna is om bij te dragen aan kennisverspreiding in het veld van de gezondheidszorg, en de geestelijke gezondheidszorg in het bijzonder. Hiertoe organiseren we congressen en symposia. We zoeken vooral naar thema’s die innovatief zijn. We willen bijdragen aan het bijeenbrengen van verschillende sectoren en partijen waardoor nieuwe perspectieven ontstaan op het betreffende congresthema. 

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