Opleidingen details Boerhaave Nascholing
Population Health Management course Advanced Risk Stratification (ID nummer: 324393)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 1,2 en 334 
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Diagnostic and prognostic models are increasingly published in the medical literature each year. But are the results relevant for decision making in practice? How can models be used for risk stratification in populations? What are the critical elements of a well-developed diagnostic or prognostic model? How can we assume that the model makes accurate predictions for our population, and not only for the sample that was used to develop the model (generalizability, or external validity)? Are big data and advanced statistical techniques the solution for the problem of poor generalizability?
In the course we will address these and other questions from an epidemiological, statistical and decision-making perspective, using examples from the clinical literature. The participants will be encouraged to participate in interactive discussions and in practical computer exercises, starting with basic approaches and extending to advanced modelling.
Overall aim of the course (in terms of knowledge, application and attitude of the students):
After the course students:

Understand the roles that diagnostic and prognostic models may play in risk stratification, and ultimately medical decision-making.

Know the critical factors that determine the validity of predictions from diagnostic and prognostic models.

Have insight in the pitfalls of model development with standard statistical techniques.

Have both theoretical and practical knowledge on advanced methods in model development and validation, specifically on regression modelling.

Understand the possibilities of using Electronic Health Records data for risk stratification.

(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
Programme PHM Advanced Risk Stratification.pdf24-4-2018 11:48122 KB
1250 euro
625 euro voor PhD's
14-5-2018 t/m 18-5-2018
LocatieDen Haag (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Algemene scholing cluster 1,2 en 3DatumTijd
Screening and diagnosis514-05-201809:00 - 17:00
Prognosis and prediction515-05-201809:00 - 17:00
Survival Analysis516-05-201809:00 - 17:00
Advanced prognosis & prediction517-05-201809:00 - 17:00
Predictive analytics & big data418-05-201809:00 - 17:00

Boerhaave Nascholing is de oudste post-academische onderwijsorganisatie op geneeskundig gebied (PAOG) in Nederland.

Met Boerhaave Nascholing wil het LUMC medici en medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoekers inspireren de nieuwste wetenschappelijke inzichten toe te passen. Ons doel is dat zij steeds de best mogelijke patiëntenzorg leveren. Met deze nascholingsmissie wil het LUMC motiveren, enthousiasmeren en aanzetten tot handelen door een hoge kwaliteit van de nascholing. Die hoge kwaliteit betreft:de inhoud, namelijk actuele thema’s;
de vorm, zoals vooraanstaande sprekers, afwisselend en interactief programma, onderwijskundig maatwerk, e-learning e.d.;
de organisatie en de dienstverlening.

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