Opleidingen details Radboudumc Health Academy
Nijmegen Advanced Breast Imaging Course (ID nummer: 317436)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Werkterrein - Algemene Klinische Fysica (AKF)628-6-2018 t/m 27-6-2019
Werkterrein - Radiologie en Nucleaire Geneeskunde (RNG)628-6-2018 t/m 27-6-2019
Werkterrein - Radiotherapie (RT)628-6-2018 t/m 27-6-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan dient u de presentie zelf in te geven nadat u bent ingelogd in PE-Online.

The Nijmegen advanced breast imaging course is an advanced level course for practitioners in breast care. The sessions aim to discuss the use of common and novel imaging techniques in clinical practice. In the first session tomosynthesis is highlighted; it’s role in both clinical practice and screening is discussed and possible optimisations for reading and reporting are presented. The second session puts other breast screening issues in the spotlight. The do’s and don'ts in high risk screening are evaluated and the possible implementation of various abbreviated and ultrafast MRI protocols are discussed. Novel and upcoming techniques for breast screening are subsequently presented, possibly changing breast imaging practice in the years to come. The third session focusses on specific clinical problems, including the use of MRI as a problem solving tool, the evaluation of breast implants and the reconstructed breast, and the value of axillary imaging. Finally, in the last session, the use of imaging and the clinical wishes are regarded from a therapeutic standpoint. Do we in fact deliver what is asked?, and how can we improve our service? are the questions on the table.

The Nijmegen advanced breast imaging course will thus present a comprehensive overview of the current hot items in breast radiology and the way these may change patient care in the (near) future.


Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten RegisterVerpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland
ADAP (Accreditatie Deskundigheidsbevorderende Activiteiten Paramedici)Stichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
Algemene Klinische Fysica (AKF)Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica/OKF
MBB’ersStichting Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde (NVvH)KNMG-GAIA
1 2 3
Tijd8:15 - 17:00
LocatieNijmegen (NL) (Toon kaart)

De Radboudumc Health Academy verzorgt bij- en nascholing voor alle medische en zorgprofessionals binnen en buiten het Radboudumc.

Gerard van Swietenlaan 2 (route 51)
6525 GB
Postbus 9101 (huispost 51)
6500 HB